Missouri Synod's Washington Office Closes Due to Budget Cuts > (RNS) The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, faced with a serious > budget crunch, has closed its Washington advocacy and information office > in a cost-saving move. > In a final message to subscribers to the Office of Government > Information's "Church and State Update" e-mail newsletter, former OGI > Director David L. Adams wrote that the closing means, in part, an end to > the newsletter and discontinuance of OGI's Web site. > The office opened in 1986 with a part-time director, Candace > Mueller. It later was expanded to include three full-time staff members. > > "Thank you for your past support and encouragement," Adams wrote to > subscribers. "On behalf of OGI's staff, we hope that you will all > continue to fulfill your God-given vocation as citizens in this society > through responsible, well-informed and thoughtful participation in the > process of governing our land. It has been our honor, and our pleasure, > to assist you in this in some small way." > Adams has accepted a position with Concordia Seminary in St. Louis.
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