PROVO, Utah, July 31(RNS)--A Brigham Young University student who appeared on the MTV reality program "The Real World" has been suspended for allegedly violating the university's honor code during taping of the show.

Julie Stoffer, of Delafield, Wis., has been suspended for the university's fall semester, the Associated Press reported. The school said the 21-year-old business major violated its honor code by living with four men and two women in New Orleans during five months of filming. The honor code prohibits coed cohabitation by single students.

But Stoffer said camera footage proves she was not sexually active, and in a statement released Saturday (July 29) said that to "insinuate that I was sleeping with a guy, or having sex, is totally false and slanderous."

"Under the circumstances, I am happy to no longer be affiliated with BYU," said Stoffer, whose younger brother will attend the Provo, Utah, university in the fall. Her parents are alumni of the school. "I am actively searching for a new university to attend."

Stoffer's father, James, defended his daughter in an interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. He said his daughter "is a very moral person" who contacted the honor code office before the show was taped. She was given the impression she would face no disciplinary action from the university if she did not get into trouble, he said, noting that office staff contacted his daughter when episodes began to air.

"They said something like, 'We need a written statement from you regarding your conduct during this show,'" said James Stoffer. "They wanted to know what boys were in her room at any time of the day or night, what boys kissed her or hugged her...were they under the blankets."

When Julie Stoffer gave no written statement, an office staff member contacted her at home, he said. James Stoffer said his daughter was not ashamed of anything she had done, and added he believed she "was a moral standard for moral values to millions of young people."

"She was always on camera. She was always with people. In fact, she didn't sleep in her pajamas because there were boys around. She slept in her clothes," said James.

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