2024-05-07 2024-05-07
Don't Throw Out Grandma's Plaster Statues
Traditional Catholic devotions, scorned after Vatican II, are now studied by scholars as keys to our rich immigrant heritage
by Pamela Schaeffer

Harry Potter and the Virgin of Fatima
Their fans have something in common: a yen for secret knowledge and a black-and-white world in which good triumphs over evil.
by Andrew Greeley

Thank You for Not Holding my Hand
I've got nothing against extroverts who want to make Catholic worship friendlier. But I just want to worship and go home. Is there room in the church for Mass misanthropists like me?
by Jim Moore

For Fun and Profit, Be an Anti-Catholic Catholic
There's a boom market for bashing Wicked Mother Church--by people who insist they're still Catholics
by Ralph McInerny

Altar Egos
Controversy builds over post-Vatican II architecture of Catholic churches
by John L. Allen Jr.

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