Palm Beach Atlantic College
West Palm Beach, Fla.
  • "Undergarments must be worn by individuals in all public areas"

  • "Inappropriately revealing swimsuits should not be worn (no string bikinis, no G-string suits)."
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  • Indiana Wesleyan University
    Marion, Ind.

    • "In violation of the Scriptural teaching concerning personal dignity and moral purity, individuals are exploited and degraded by immoral and inhumane action of the pornographic industry. Therefore, possession and distribution of such materials is unacceptable behavior."

  • "Our community, considering itself in the mainstream of the evangelical tradition and recognizing the temptations inherent in the sensuous and erotic nature of some social dancing, disapproves of social dancing by members of the community."
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  • Nyack College
    Nyack, NY

    • "Because we embrace the values of the denominations of our constituency which do not encourage social dancing, individuals at Nyack College must abstain from social dancing while employed by or enrolled in the college. Also, faculty, staff, and students agree to refrain from the use and possession of alcohol, tobacco, and narcotic drugs, including marijuana and hallucinogens.

    Although Nyack College does not have a stringent dress code, the Christian ideal of modesty and propriety means careful grooming, cleanliness, neatness, and the consideration of the appropriateness of the garment for the occasion.

    Christian discretion is expected in the choice of all types of entertainment."

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  • Biola University
    La Mirada, Calif.

    • "Members of the Biola community are expected to refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco in any form, and from gambling. Furthermore, discernment must be exercised in avoiding all activities which may be spiritually or morally harmful. Individual decisions regarding movies, television programs, all form of electronic media and other activities are expected to reflect this moral commitment. Biola University does not presume to be a censoring agency for all activities; it does, however, expect tangible evidence of maturing Christian convictions and discerning judgment."

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  • Calvin College
    Grand Rapids, Mich.

    • "Building community also involves avoiding various behaviors. Calvin proscribes or outlaws certain conduct because it impedes the kind of community that it hopes to build. More specifically, if a student becomes intoxicated, he is not self-controlled; if a student cheats on a test, she has compromised integrity; or, if a student harasses a colleague, he has acted unjustly. In each case, the building of community was diminished."

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  • Westmont College
    Santa Barbara, Calif.

    • "Westmont will not condone practices which Scripture forbids. Such activities include occult practices, sexual relations outside of marriage, homosexual practice, drunkenness, theft, profanity, and dishonesty. Westmont also recognizes that Scripture condemns "sins of the spirit" such as covetousness, jealousy, pride, and lust. By their very nature, these sins are more difficult to discern. Because they lie at the heart of the relationship between the individual and God they are of central concern to the Westmont community."

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