2016-06-30 2016-06-30
A few years ago, a rumor began circling the Internet. This rumor falsely accused the consumer products giant Procter & Gamble of utilizing a satanic symbol as its company logo. This was actually a long-standing rumor that had once been circulated through word of mouth. However, with the onset of the Internet, this phony hearsay began to rapidly escalate.

During the 1960s, rumors that the corporation was controlled by Satan worshipers initially began to gain momentum. Without examining the facts, many individuals signed petitions against Procter & Gamble, and participated in a boycott of their products.Procter & Gamble has reported that it has received more than 200,000 related complaints during the past two decades.

Sadly, many of these complainers have been ill-informed Christians. Needless to say, Procter & Gamble officials were concerned. Their long-standing symbol of the man in the moon and the thirteen stars was being disparaged under fabricated charges. Company officials then approached me in hopes that I would defend Procter & Gamble against these allegations.

After discovering that the stars represent the original thirteen American colonies and the man-in-the-moon symbol was simply a continuation of a popular logo from the mid-1800s, I decided to go to bat for Procter & Gamble. I used my National Liberty Journal newspaper, weekly Falwell Confidential e-mail, and my web site to help reject these rumors. In addition, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, the Southern Baptist Convention, and other denominations and church organizations have attempted to dispel these false tales.

When Procter & Gamble needed leaders of the conservative religious community, we were there to defend them. Now Procter & Gamble has determined that they cannot be associated with another leading conservative spokesperson--Dr. Laura Schlessinger. The company has announced it will cease to advertise on Dr. Laura's nationally syndicated radio show and has reversed an earlier decision by declaring it has decided not to advertise on her new television talk show. The reason for the company's withdrawal is Dr. Laura's adherence to Judeo-Christian mandates for morality. As a result of this devotion to biblical morality, she has been bitterly assailed by the homosexual-rights community.

As I've learned through the years, defending godly precepts can be very costly. Dr. Laura can certainly attest to this. "There has been controversy surrounding Dr. Laura on a number of topics," read a statement released by Procter & Gamble earlier this week. "We've chosen not to be involved with a show that will require time and resources to deal with this kind of controversy." You mean, like the time and resources that many conservative ministries gave to Procter & Gamble? I must say that I feel a sense of betrayal that Procter & Gamble--a company that once desperately appealed to conservative ministries for help--has so quickly turned its corporate back on a woman who has upheld the moral principles on which this nation was founded.

Procter & Gamble's decision was immediately praised by the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation--the group leading the protest against Dr. Schlessinger. "GLAAD salutes Procter & Gamble's corporate responsibility and good conscience in its decision to discontinue advertising on Laura Schlessinger's programming," said GLAAD Executive Director Joan M. Garry. "By doing so, the company has demonstrated the kind of respect for fair-minded people everywhere that we would like to see from Paramount, which plans to produce and distribute Schlessinger's TV program this fall." "Fair-minded people," of course, are those persons who fall into lockstep with the homosexual agenda that never tolerates even the minutest criticism.

The television airwaves are rapidly embracing indoctrination, as honest debate is apparently no longer important. And Procter & Gamble is allowing this ban on honest debate to occur. I would have thought--after all they've been through--they would have known better. If you agree that Procter & Gamble has made an erroneous decision to pull its advertising from Dr. Schlessinger's radio and television shows, I urge you to call Procter & Gamble on their "consumer relations" number (800-331-3774) in order to respectfully register your complaint. Procter & Gamble needs to know that they have offended a major consumer group--namely conservative Christians.

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