
My True Home Is Brooklyn
The lessons from a meditation retreat continue long after one arrives home. By Tracy Cochran

"This Isn't Just About Winning"
A Mormon governor's son remembers a tense Election Day--and the spiritual strength that guided his father through it.
By W. Mitt Romney

Playing Hooky
Taking time away from the office can get us back into the flow of life. By Arthur Magida

A New Prayer, A Father's Prayer
The spiritual accomplishment of fatherhood.
By Matthew Blair Hoyt

My Grandfather's Sacrifice
My grandfather held me up out of the water and lifted me onto the top of the capsized boat--to save my life. By Thomas Moore

Angel On the Street
A random encounter on the street helps heal a marriage. By Morgan Hirschfield

Seeing Without Seeing
A daughter recounts her mother's story of going to the Mormon Tabernacle to see Helen Keller. By Emma Lou Thayne

Diary of an Illness
In the month after my husband's diagnosis with cancer, I lost my keys, my wallet, and two hats. What I couldn't afford to lose were my mind and my faith. By Lisa Wormser

"Everyone Cries in the Same Language"
Soon after the crash of Egypt Air 990, Rabbi Andrea Gouze was called to the site as part of a spiritual swat team. At first, she feared she was "the wrong religion, the wrong culture, speaking the wrong language." She reports on what she learned instead. By Andrea Gouze

The Love of a Suffering Parent
Watching my friend deal with the imprisonment of her renegade son helped me understand the nature of God's love, just in time for Christmas. By Frederica Mathewes-Green

Weekly Wisdom from the Dalai Lama
The spiritual and political leader of Tibet shares his philosophy about peace, freedom, and human foibles.

Angels Use My Fingers
A subtle SOS summons help for a injured man. By Charlie Shedd

My First Ramadan
Decades before I embraced Islam, I kept the Ramadan fast--and learned self-control, empathy, and a mean recipe for split-pea soup. By Michael Wolfe

How an Advent wreath helped one family find time for God, and each other. By Jean G. Fitzpatrick

Can You Say...Hero?
Mr. Rogers changes a young boy's life with a simple request: Pray for me. By Tom Junod

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