
As Christians, we understand that prayer isn’t just a way to get closer to God but also a way to work through the problem areas of our lives. However, there are times when we don’t know exactly what we should ask God for. We know that we need God’s help, but we don’t see what He can give that will fix our problems. If you’re struggling with this dilemma, here are some things to ask God for when you’re drawing a blank.


James 1:5 tells us that we should ask God for wisdom, and He’ll give it to us. He won’t rebuke us for our asking. Ask God for the wisdom to know what to say or how to act. Whether in a relationship, for help making a hard choice or anything else you’re unsure of. He has more knowledge than we could imagine and is willing to share it with us.


If you’re struggling to find the motivation, energy, or ability to do something, ask God to give you power. He will provide the strength and control you need to succeed. Isaiah 40:29 serves as the perfect reminder, stating, “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.”


If you want God to take control of your life, He won’t lead you down the wrong path. God has a plan for all of our lives. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to trust in the Lord with all of our hearts and not to lean on our understandings. In everything, we should acknowledge Him, and He will keep us on the right path. You may have to go through some trials to get there, but you can trust knowing that everything is part of God’s big plan.


Everyone has days when they feel like they’re not strong or good enough to do something on their own. Even if you feel uncertain about your future, ask God to give you confidence. Philippians 4:13 tells us that we can do anything through Him who gives us strength. God will let you know that you’re not alone and will make you feel worthy. He’ll show you that your future is full of greatness and promise.


Joshua 1:9 reminds us to be courageous and strong and not to be discouraged or afraid. God is with us wherever we go. We’re often told that there’s safety in numbers. With God, we’ll take comfort in the fact that He’ll be with us to deal with whatever life brings our way.


Colossians 3:15 reminds us to let the peace of Christ take over in our hearts since we’ve been called to peach as members of one body. Typically, peace isn’t the first thing people ask God for, but peace will comfort you if you feel overwhelmed, anxious, or scared.

Freedom from fear.

Fear is something that stops us from living our lives without restrictions. God doesn’t want us to live in fear. Psalm 34:4 tells us when we seek the Lord, and He will answer and deliver us from our fears. God wants to give us stability and comfort; all we have to do is ask.

To know God better.

The Ephesian church was recognized for its love for the saints and its faith in Jesus. Ephesians 1:15 details this faith and love. Still, instead of changing his focus to other communities needing help, the apostle Paul constantly prayed for them. First, he prayed for God to give them insight and wisdom so they could flourish in their understanding of Him.

When we started our walk with Christ, we prayed this prayer often. However, we stopped once we settled into the routine of church attendance and Bible study. Unless God Himself gives us the insight, our efforts in knowing Him may be pointless. We should regularly ask God for His spirit of understanding so we can keep flourishing and appreciating who He is.

To see Christ clearly.

In the fast-paced world, we deal with so many distractions that we often lose focus of what matters. Perhaps this is why Paul set time aside to pray for the eyes of the Ephesians’ hearts to be enlightened so they can see the blessings they have in Christ, especially power, riches, and hope. However, we should first see Christ for who He is; if it weren’t for Christ’s life and death, we wouldn’t have any blessings to enjoy. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to see Jesus’ beautiful face? Material things will lose gloss when we ask God to help us keep His sacrifice in the forefront.

To feel His love.

If you’ve ever felt alone and unloved, you’re not alone. How frequently have we sought after someone else’s love without seeing how much God loves us? In our minds, we understand that God loves us and sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. Still, do we know that the depth of His love is beyond our understanding? Have we felt Christ’s love when we sing and encourage each other, hear it in Scripture and see it? Let’s pray for the power to understand God’s love and live it out within our communities and those around us.

Sometimes we don’t know what to ask God for, and that’s okay. It’s okay not to know what you need help with; coincidentally, that’s the best time to ask God for help. Whether you’re having trouble seeing God at work or your life is going great, we should all pray that God will adjust our senses toward Him and allow us to live lives that please Him, so we’ll be the aroma of Christ to a world that’s watching, as detailed in 2 Corinthians 2:15.

When we struggle to ask God for what we need, the beautiful thing is that God knows we’re stressed. In those moments, He can look into our hearts and see what we need. Still, when you don’t know what you need, turn to God, and He’ll take care of everything.

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