Favorite Flower

Which of nature’s stunning flowers are you most drawn to? Your favorite flower can do more than just beautify your surroundings. The characteristics of these remarkable plants may give some insight into your personality traits.

Some people love classic roses, while others love bright sunflowers. The one you find connects to you the most can tell you things about yourself that you wouldn’t know. Here is what your favorite flower symbolizes and what it means about you.


People who prefer the daisy have sunny dispositions, a great sense of humor, and an optimistic outlook on life. These friendly folks like to spend time outside enjoying nature. They are joyful people that keep a positive, child-like disposition about them. You know that as good or bad as things are, they will always be better tomorrow. You love to make people laugh and you cherish your friendships. It's no wonder you're the life of every party.


People who favor the lilac are vivacious, nostalgic, and romantic at heart. They’re outgoing with a sense of humor, and tend to decorate with antiques that remind them of past eras. Their style is romantic and unique. You’re sentimental and treasure antiques or other vintage items. Not unlike the lilac, you remain in an upright posture because you know that's the best way to stand out and make a lasting impression.


This is a favorite of perfectionists who might be a touch old-fashioned, but love adventure and travel. They love learning about other cultures and traditions. Their style choices are classical and romantic much like the rose itself. Every season is a rose season, so as a rose lover you're always in style, always fashionable and completely on point. You almost always think with your heart, and you know how to make a statement and make it seem effortless.


If you love tulips you are a thoughtful, confident person. You know who you are, but don’t mind exploring new parts of yourself depending on your mood. You are somehow always sleek and coordinated which draws people to you. You're the person to go to when someone needs great advice. You connect with others easily and are sweet and generous with those you care about.


Daffodils are the flower of choice for people who are artistic and peaceful. Their organizational skills help these multi-taskers as they work, always striving for excellence. You put your friends and family first. You love to host events, especially if it's a party for someone you love. Your style shows off your fun-but-laid-back personality.


You favor the orchid? That means you're classy, sophisticated and mysterious. Like the flower itself, people who love orchids are mysterious and exotic with a small group of trusted friends. Your friends appreciate your outspokenness, but you are prone to mood swings. Looks and appearances are everything for you. You are on the cutting edge in their fashion choices–bold and sexy.


Like the carnation, you're low-key and stay out of the spotlight. You don't like to be the center of attention for any reason. If people sing happy birthday to you in a restaurant, you get anxious and want to hide away. You like to do quieter pursuits, and have a gift for learning and languages. Carnation lovers are practical folks who prefer life’s simple pleasures and shun the pretentious.


In general, lilies symbolize purity and refined beauty. You're a happy, impassioned hard worker and you're not afraid to be proud of your accomplishments. Your style is always perfectly tailored, and you know how to stand out in a crowd. Lilies are a favorite of the kind-hearted who love to help other people. They are independent, dignified, and well respected by their peers.


Poppies also have different meanings depending on their color—red poppies generally symbolize consolation, while yellow poppies signify wealth and success. No matter which color is your favorite, you're fun, quirky and creative, and you love it when people notice that about you. These vibrant and unconventional souls live to experience new things. They are enthusiastic people comfortable in their own skin, and are outspoken and intelligent. Your style is bold and colorful, and you're not afraid to try new trends that others shy away from.

Was your favorite flower on the list? Do more research on your favorite flower and you will reveal more about your personality. Humans have always had a special connection to nature.

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