
Almost everyone loves television so our friends at BuzzFeed asked their community members to tell them their favorite iconic television quotes of all time. Here are the quotes that TV lovers everywhere will never forget. You might not have heard of all of these sereis, but you should check them out anyway.


  1. "How you doin'?" - Friends
  2. "D'oh!" - The Simpsons
  3. "marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" - The Brandy Bunch
  4. "Oh my God! They Killed Kenny!" - South Park
  5. "Clear eyes, full hearts, can't use." - Friday Night Lights
  6. "I am the one who knocks." - Breaking Bad
  7. "Let's be careful out there." - Hill Street Blues
  8. "The truth is out there." - The X-Files
  9. "Make it work." - Project Runway
  10. "Treat. Yo. Self." - Parks and Recreation
  11. "I want to go to there." - 30 Rock
  12. "Ive made a huge mistake." - Arrested Development
  13. "Live, from New York, it's Saturday night!" - Saturday Night Live
  14. "You come at the king, you best not miss." - The Wire
  15. "Oh boy." - Quantum Leap
  16. "No soup for you!" - Seinfeld
  17. "Survey says!" - Family Feud
  18. "Rut roh!" - Scooby Doo
  19. 'Vitameatavegamin." - I Love Lucy
  20. "Oy with the poodles already." - Gilmore Girls
  21. "Is that your final answer?" - Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
  22. "What'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?" - Different Strokes
  23. "What's next?" - The West Wing
  24. "Who loves ya, baby?" - Kojak
  25. "It's handled." - Scandal
  26. "Norm!" - Cheers
  27. "We have to go back!" - Lost
  28. "I'm ready!" - SpongeBob SquarePants
  29. "You are the weakest link. Goodbye." - The Weakest Link
  30. "...to bodly go where no man as gone before." - Star Trek
  31. "Winter is coming." - Game of Thrones

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