Tim Tebow

When quarterback Tim Tebow prayed before a game he was ostracized and was the center of many jokes for his belief in God and for his rigorous prayer life in college and in the NFL. While he played in the NFL, he also had supporters. Cris Collinsworth is a retired football player said that it was unbelievable that one of the best kids that's ever come into the "NFL is hated because of his faith, because of his mission work, because of the fact that he wears it on his sleeve, because of the fact that he lives his life that he talks about.'' Today, Tebow remains a polarizing figure and is not backing down because of the past or giving up his calling because of naysayers. He wrote Know Who You Are, which is geared towards homeschoolers to help them identify things in life that could hinder their walk with Christ. Things like temptation, anger and unforgiveness could cloud our spiritual lives at any age and as adults, we face the same challenges. Here is how you can live bigger than ever before, whether you are in the spotlight or not.

Remain Motivated"When people see the work ethic, determination and the passion that I have, they're going to ask: 'What drives you? What is that?' Well, the answer is my relationship with Jesus Christ. That's just what has always fueled me," Tebow shared. It is hard to represent Christ in a lost world and since we are still human, it is easy to become fragmented. There are spiritual principles that we need to heed for success. The most important rule of them all is that we need to put the Kingdom of God first. Then we need to follow God's principles for our lives. Mathew 6:33 instructs us: "But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you." We can't get in alignment if our priorities are skewed. Once we start building this foundation, we can start looking towards out own ambitions. Use your motivation in Christ to keep going.

Overcome DisappointmentTebow is a two-time national college football champion and was drafted by the Denver Broncos and then moved to the New York Jets. He had high hopes of having a solid NFL career and when this didn't happen, he left the league in 2015. He is currently playing baseball as an outfielder with the Columbia Fireflies of the Class A South Atlantic League, a farm club of the New York Mets. "It's not what you do when you're up. It's what you do when you're down. That's what guys look at you for-- how you handle it when something goes wrong. That's playing through adversity, that's perseverance, that's determination. That's all the character qualities you want. Coming back from those hard times, that's what makes you who you are." Many people became successful because they didn't give up and they always had another plan to achieve their goals. Always look for ways to work around obstacles and don't allow disappointments to own you, Tebow didn't.

Stand Up For ChristTebow called on Christians to stand up for their faith during a "God's Purpose for America” event. He discussed when life is unclear, believers need to press into the power of God and stand on their values. When your identity is discovered in Christ, your identity never changes. Take a stand as nobody else can do it for you. You are always a child of God you don't need to be on the roller coaster like the rest of the world. We are told in 2 Corinthians to cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God. Today is the day you can rise above the pain, hate, anger and doubt.

Make Wise DecisionsDo you know that you can trick the brain into developing better habits? Once your mind starts practicing a new habit like praying and seeking God for guidance it will become second nature to you. While you are working on this, seek God for direction when you need to make changes in your life. "Sometimes it's hard to make a good choice, even though we know it is right," Tebow wrote. "That's when we need to lean on Jesus for help." The key to the best life is to honor Him and with Him, you can be strong and gallant.

Stop Worldly Ambitions

There is nothing wrong with having dreams and making a good life for yourself. But when we start idolizing achievements, we may become overly focused on being a success and this is not good either. Life is more than sports and record setting. "I want my love for God and my love for others to take center stage," Tebow said. God called us to a bigger purpose and that is to honor Him and advance the Kingdom on earth. Additionally, when we look to the next emotional high of achievement, we are doing ourselves a disservice by not giving God the opportunity to accomplish His plan. "When you die, there's gonna be a tombstone, and on that tombstone, there's gonna be a name, and there's gonna be a date. And for me, it's going to be 1987, and then it's gonna have a dash. I want that dash to mean something. I want that dash to be special."

What and who are you living for? If you want to live a life that matters, you need to honest. We all need to become more of a reflection of Christ in the world. Without it, what is this time on earth really mean then? If we allow God to mold and shape us, we could live life like Tebow--a life that matters.

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