
In the early 1990s, The Game of Life was updated to reward good behavior. Which of the following is not something that's rewarded in the game:


This popular board game is actually named after a word/phrase that parents try to get their children to say:


In 2006, game manufacturer Hasbro joined forces with Give Kids the World – an amusement park specifically for seriously or terminally ill children – to create this:


The oldest known board game was known as Senet, and depictions of people playing it have been found in


The game Operation has inspired many a youngster to play doctor and, down the road, pick up a scalpel and save lives for real. In 2003, Milton Bradley introduced a new piece that players could remove from their red-nosed patient – joining the "funny bone" and the "broken heart." What was it?


Eleanor Abbott created the game of Candy Land to cheer up children recovering from:


Board games appear to be a critical building block of most civilizations – predating writing in some – but they were not embraced by everyone. Guatama Buddha, in fact, told his followers he would never play anything that included:


Risk is a game predicated on warfare and world domination. So it might surprise some people to hear that the game's forerunner – La Conquete du Monde – was invented by:


Yahtzee's success is an illustration in perseverance. The game itself, based on rolling a set of dice again and again, doesn't lend itself to colorful television advertisements or easy-to-understand descriptions. So to convince potential buyers the game was fun, its makers decided to:


They say nothing's free in life, but this spot on the Monopoly board is:


Stratego, a game all about military strategy and subterfuge, was adapted from a much earlier Chinese game by Mademoiselle Hermance Edan in 1908 – well before women in the country had the right to:


In 1750's "The Morals of Chess," the author writes that " … life is a kind of chess, in which we have often points to gain, and competitors or adversaries to contend with, and in which there is a vast variety of good and ill events, that are, in some degree, the effect of prudence, or the want of it." Who was the author?


The word "scrabble" actually means


In World War II, the U.S. government used Monopoly games to:


Uncle Wiggily, the still-popular children's game, was created in 1916 and based on a series of children's stories featuring a resourceful rabbit who, despite his physical limitations, managed to outwit a bevy of would-be villains. One of Uncle Wiggily's best-known adversaries was the Skeezicks, who looked like a (an) …


In the 1993 film, "Searching for Bobby Fischer," a chess master tries to teach a youthful prodigy how to play like legendary American champion Bobby Fischer – complete with a win-at-all-costs attitude and misanthropy. But the boy would rather be:


Chutes and Ladders, or Snakes and Ladders, as it's sometimes called, is essentially a playable morality lesson, where players climb hypothetical ladders for doing good deeds, and plummet down slides (or snakes) for doing bad ones. It's actually based on an ancient teaching game played to teach children the moral principals of:


Chinese checkers saw its popularity boom during the Great Depression, when Americans were desperately in need of diversion. Ironically, though, the game is not:


James Brunot bought the rights to a game called "Criss-Crosswords" in 1948, renamed it "Scrabble" and started manufacturing the game in a converted schoolhouse. But the game was a flop, and the gamble nearly bankrupted Brunot until the following happened:


Monopoly was created by Charles B. Darrow in 1934, during the height of the Great Depression. A year later, it was already America's best-selling game. But that Monopoly was made at all is a testament to Darrow's determination. When he offered the rights to Parker Brothers, the company rejected him because:


Many of today's most popular games have their origins from ancient times. A game resembling Stratego was developed in China hundreds of years ago. The ancient Egyptians were known to play a game very similar to checkers. And a nearly 5,000-year-old backgammon game was found in which modern-day country?

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