2024-07-09 2024-07-09

New Again

Sara Evans and Brad Paisley recorded this song for 'The Passion of the Christ' soundtrack. Evans and Paisley take on the roles of Mary and Jesus through the lyrics. The emotions and harmony balance is magical and inspirational.

Angels Among Us

Alabama originally released "Angels Among Us" as a Christmas single. The song is a track from their album 'Cheap Seats' album. There is no doubt that the song has influential value for anyone's every day. The idea of having angels by our side reinforces the power of God and his devotion as our Lord and Savior.

Go Rest High On That Mountain

Vince Gill wrote a portion of this song in 1989 after a good friend of his passed away. Four years later, Gill's brother suffered a heart attack and that provoked Gill to finish the song and he made the connection of God's sacrifice and his works.

G.O.D. (Gaining One's Defintion)

Common takes an introspective look at all of the world’s religion and raps about how it played a major part in his life. His lyrics talk about the sacrifices that God made and how we should live out a life that exemplifies the good in the world.

Jesus, Take the Wheel

"Jesus, Take the Wheel" is Carrie Underwood's debut single and became her first number one hit. The song tells the heartwarming story of a woman who loses control of her car when she hits an icy patch with her baby in the backseat. The near-accident serves as a wake-up call to return to her faith. The woman reaches out to God, asking for his guidance and redemption.

When I Get Where I'm Going

"When I Get Where I'm Going", sung by Brad Paisley and Dolly Parton, is a song about death. Facing death doesn't have to be a scary ordeal, instead the song says we should look at death as the next chapter. The lyrics of this song are beautiful and describe the afterlife as a place where we will be reunited with our lost loved ones. 

Show Me How to Live

Audioslave's Chris Cornell is calling out to God for guidance and asking him to keep him leveled throughout the trials and tribulations that he faces each day. One of the strongest lyrics found in the chorus are "nail in my hand, from my Creator; you gave me life, now show me how to live."

The Story of Larry Norman
Norman was a pioneer in his own right. Read next feature >
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