2024-07-09 2024-07-09

It Must Have Been Love by Roxette

This 90s hit is hands down one of the most popular break up songs in the history of break up songs. Several movies have showcased the song but the most memorable one is in Pretty Woman.

The song talks talks about love and how it disappeared just as soon as it appeared.

Love Takes Time by Mariah Carey

"Love Takes Time," was Mariah Carey's second number one hit from her debut self-titled album which was released in 1990. The song is a ballad about the patience that love requires and how many of us take it for granted. There's no doubt that many of us have felt the empty heart break that Carey sings about.

Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler

"Total Eclipse of the Heart" is the 80s hit that everyone was singing and is still today revered as one of the best break up hits of our time. The song is about the vulnerability that heart break leaves you in - it's like a total eclipse of the heart. Heart break leaves ex's in a sense of desperation and withdrawal.

I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston

There is no other song that resonates with broken hearts like Whitney Houston's iconic "I Will Always Love You." Each broken relationship leaves us in a deserted state of being and no matter how many times we say it's over, deep down we'll always have a part within that remembers the good times and remembers that love. This song reminds us that it's okay to let go because we'll always have the memories that help shape who we are today and will become down the road.

Rolling in the Deep by Adele

"Rolling in the Deep" is a song about moving on. Sometimes relationships end badly but we must dig deep and evoke our strength from within to become a higher being of yourself. Adele's number one hit reminds us that we should never allow someone to walk all over you and change your existence. It's important to recognize who you are and what you're capable of.

Every Breath You Take by The Police

Every break up causes you to go through a phase where you find yourself lost without a trace and loathing your ex. "Every Breath You Take" is a song that gives you time to wallow within your own self-pity. Every broken heart needs time to recover and recuperate from the turmoil of a broken love.

We are Never Ever Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift

As much as you try to get this song out of your head, you'll still find yourself singing Taylor Swift's catchy song "We are Never Ever Getting Back Together." Swift's break up anthem is a motivating song to put distance between yourself and your miserable ex. Everyone goes through a point, within their break up, they fall into the same old same old and gravitate to their ex because it's what is known and comfortable. Swift helps shed light on the reality that broken hearts are afraid to recognize.

The Story of Larry Norman
Norman was a pioneer in his own right. Read next feature >
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