2023-02-06 2023-02-06
Listening to Music

God designed us to praise and worship Him. In the book of Revelation, the Apostle John wrote that the Lord deserves honor and glory because He created all things. By His will, they have their being and were created. Still, why were we designed to worship Him? Is it because God is an insecure and egotistical being who desires our approval?

No, God created us to worship because He knows we’ll become who or what we admire. The more we worship God, the more we become like Him. The astonishing power of praise is that we’re changed as we praise God and worship. Science confirms this idea. Dr. Carolyn Leaf, a cognitive neuroscientist, asserts that praise and worship chemically alter our brains.

With everything going on in the world, we need to unleash the power of praise and worship more than ever. When we praise God, our anxiety becomes peace; weakness morphs into strength and depression becomes joy. Here are some inspiring praise and worship songs that you should add to your playlist.

"Turn Your Eyes" by Natalie Grant and The Belonging CO

This uplifting song by Natalie Grant was released at the pandemic’s peak, but it’s a stunning new twist on an old tune. As Natalie goes through the melody, we hear her words turn into a prophetic voice that highlights the fact that when we focus on Jesus, He brings healing and breaks chains. As we lift our focus on Christ and worship Him, we experience His presence through powerful music. Natalie’s passion glows through each word.

"Fresh Fire" by Maverick City

Maverick City Music is an energetic group from Atlanta. As we continue to deal with atrocities in the world, our hearts need a new fire to light our devotion to the living God. God uses this song to call people to plead for revival. With revival comes the privacy of our hearts when we call out with passion, “I need a fresh fire from your Holy Spirit.”

"First Love" by Kari Jobe

We should take stock of our affections now and then. It’s easy for idols to capture our hearts because idols may even be good things. Idols include spouses, jobs, politics, homes, or children, anything that takes priority over our love for Jesus Christ. Kari Jobe encourages us to tell the Lord that He is our first love in this powerful, sweet song. At times, it’s easy to worship God but forge the importance of verbalizing our affection toward Him as our first true love.

"Faithful Now" by Vertical Worship

We need the reminder that God is faithful in our lives. You may have lost your job or a loved one. Perhaps you’re close to losing your home. In these trying days, we can forget how God has carried us through the past and will continue to bring us through and remain faithful today and tomorrow. This song says, “I will speak my fear, I will preach my doubt. You were faithful then; you’ll be faithful now.”

Sometimes, we need a self-management meeting when life closes in. When you worship to “Faithful Now,” let the words remind you that God is still with you and He won’t fail you now. No matter what’s going on in the world, God is always faithful and will remain faithful.

“Nothing Else” by Cody Carnes

Worship on Sunday morning has focused on which band we prefer for many people. Still, this powerful worship song encourages us to savor God’s presence and return to the heart of worship. This song directs listeners in a confession of the times when we turned our worship into our agenda instead of God’s. The words say, “More than anything that You can do, I just want You.” When we listen to those lyrics, a mighty change occurs in our souls. Let “Nothing Else” draw you into a deeper relationship with  God and alter your soul.

"Be Still" by Red Rocks Worship

We usually try to take control when life feels chaotic or confusing. However, this lovely worship song encourages us to trust God and be still. Even when we can’t see it, God is working. This worship song declares that waiting on God is better than taking matters into your own hands.

"Behold the Lamb" by Shane and Shane

This new song by Shane and Shane reminds us that Jesus is the lamb of God who was slaughtered and crucified for our salvation. Sometimes, as believers, we take Jesus’ crucifixion for granted because we’ve heard the story many times. However, this song is a reminder of Christ’s victory through His sacrificial death. He deserves all of our praise as the lamb of God. We were saved because of Christ’s victory through His crucifixion and resurrection. As you listen to this song, ask God to make you aware of what the crucifixion cost Jesus Christ.

"Fresh Wind" by Hillsong Worship

This new release from Hillsong Worship asks for a new movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives, as the lyrics point to repentance. The lyrics say, “As we repent, turn from sin, revival embers smoldering. Breath of God, fan us into flame.” When we receive the Holy Spirit and come to Christ, there’s always room to cry out to align more with Him. This song is an inspiring invitation for the Holy Spirit to take over our lives so we can burn with passion for the things of God.

"The Great I Am (Live)" by YWAM Kona

One efficient way to construct your worship is to praise God through His “I Am” statements. This powerful new worship song reminds us to praise God for being unchanging and constant, the great I Am. Psalmists typically used word pictures to illustrate God in their praise songs. This song includes many of those word pictures, like refuge, portion, rock, and cup. Each image reminds us of God’s unfailing and unchanging love and that He will ultimately be our victory. This worship song will undoubtedly lift your spirits if you’re walking through a season of disappointment.

The best way to incorporate these worship songs into your everyday life is to listen to them on your phone or while you’re working. As you listen to these songs, let the words prompt your praise. It may be best to start each day purposefully with worship. Become intentional about setting aside time to worship God.

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