2020-10-01 2020-10-01

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"I think God gives certain Christian artists the ability to go into secular music and make a difference."


'Honest Music for Thinking People'
Switchfoot's drummer talks about his music and faith heritage and what's playing on Jesus' iPod.

'God Is in Broken Places'
Jars of Clay's lead singer talks about their new album and why Christian pop music is a contradiction.

'There's No Place I'd Rather Be'
How does MercyMe avoid temptation on the road? And who are the three people Bart Millard wants to meet in life?

Walking the Rock Star Tightrope
Third Day's Tai Anderson talks about his faith, the band's fans and detractors, and the prayer that keeps him going.

Finding God on the Edge
Day of Fire frontman Joshua Brown found God after a near-fatal drug overdose. Luckily, God still wants him to rock.

From Waco Worship to Radio City Riffs
Prompted by a conversation on a balcony, a love of hymns, and an obsession with guitar, David Crowder discovers his calling.

The Case for Rock Music
The lead singer for Kids in the Way says we should stop judging music and start embracing the spirits of the songs.

Surviving the Scrutiny
Rocker Rob Beckley of Pillar offers some advice to former Korn guitarist and new Christian Brian 'Head' Welch.

All We Need Is Love
You won't find Kutless' singer screaming on street corners, spreading the Christian message. He'd rather do it by loving people.

Building Bridges From Teens to God
Christian rock band Building 429 helps their young audience understand that it's OK not to be perfect.

The Roaring Lambs Controversy

Roaring Lambs: An Overview
Mark Joseph takes a look at the Roaring Lambs movement.

A Lion Who Preached to the Lambs
Mark Joseph reviews Bob Briner's last book to motivate Christians to change the culture.

What Would Jesus Play?
David Drury says that, packed with the usual suspects, Roaring Lambs won't carry much outside the Christian arena

Coach Briner Explains The Game To You
A review of 'Final Roar' by Michael G. Maudlin

Christian Artists Respond

A Lamb Roars Back
Dan Haseltine, lead singer for Jars of Clay, tells his side.

Just Listen
Matt Slocum of Sixpence None the Richer puts in his two pence.

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