
Joan Z. Borysenko, Ph.D.
psychologist & author
"I don't think we're ever more fully human or more in touch with our good hearts than we are during a crisis."
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Tony Campolo
professor & author
"We will not be friends because of the armies we deploy but by the friends that we make."
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Barbara Cawthorne Crafton
priest & author
"I was part of the recovery effort at the World Trade Center. God was everywhere there."
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Jerry Jenkins
"It forever changed how I wrote and how I thought about big issues like that."
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James Martin
author, "My Life With the Saints"
"I really felt the presence of the Holy Spirit down there [at Ground Zero] in a very powerful way."
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Brian McLaren
pastor & author
"All of us in our faith believe we should love our neighbors."
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Uma Mysorekar
president, N.Y. Ganesh Temple
"Your religion must give you that enormous strength.... We know there is someone looking over our shoulders."
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