2016-06-30 2016-06-30

In "The Case for Christ" and other books, former atheist Lee Strobel defends traditional Christianity using today's legal methods. He recently traveled to England and France to sift the evidence for Dan Brown's claims in "The Da Vinci Code." Hear his answers to commonly-asked "Da Vinci" questions in the video and audio clips below.

Video: Was Jesus the Original Feminist?
Does the church really view women as the enemy? What's the "sacred feminine"? Lee Strobel interviews Biola University professor Kathy McReynolds about the role women played in Jesus' life.
Listen to Lee Strobel

Audio: The Priory of Sion
Digging into historical documents, Strobel unearths the truth about the mysterious organization.

 Audio: Was Mary Magdalene the 'Companion' of Jesus?
Relying on the Gospel of Phillip, Dan Brown claims the Aramaic word for 'companion' means 'spouse.'  There's just one problem...

 Audio: Did Jesus Love Mary Magdalene More?
In the non-canonical Gospel of Philip, the disciples ask Jesus, "Why do you love Mary Magdalene more than you love us?" Does this question mean what Dan Brown claims it does?

 Audio: Should Christians See the Movie?
Strobel explains why he's seeing the movie--but why many Christians shouldn't.


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