
Star Wars - The Original Trilogy

The recent Star Wars trilogy seems designed with younger people in mind, but unfortunately it just isn’t all that good! Instead, you and your family can enjoy the original adventures of Luke, Han, Chewie, and more in these sci-fi action classics that still hold up today! Of course, if your family enjoys those then the newer movies may be worth a watch too!

NOTE: Please check out the content in these movies before showing them to your kids!

National Treasure

Known as Indiana Jones light, National Treasure ditches the sometimes controversial plotlines of the Indy films for a movie about hunting American treasure. It is a fun romp that can be enjoyed by anyone!

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

JRR Tolkien’s amazing books may be beyond your younger children’s reading level, but the fast-paced action of the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy will certainly delight them! There are some scenes that may be scary for the youngest of viewers, but the overall theme of the movies is very positive!

Chronicles of Narnia

If the Lord of the Rings series is a little too intense, check out the Chronicles of Narnia series! It boasts the same positive and epic atmosphere, and is based on the classic works by CS Lewis.

The Incredibles

Everyone loves superheroes, and everyone loves Pixar’s movies. So what better combination exists than The Incredibles? This film will show you a family that yours can aspire to be like, though you may never have the same number of awesome powers. There are more than enough huge action scenes for this movie to be included!

Superman - The Movie

Superhero movies absolutely dominate movie theaters every summer, but long before now there were classics like the original Superman. Its understated effects may not grab the attention of the children, but they still need to see this classic!

'Flags of Our Fathers'
Nominee: Best Spiritual Film of 2006 Read next feature >
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