
Nathan Ellis is a genius and finds his solace in numbers, prime numbers, complex formulas, and mathematical equations. He prefers to be on his own and enjoys a world of silence.

Based on true events, the film “A Brilliant Young Mind” enters Nathan’s (Asa Butterfield) world and the people who never gave up like his mother Julie (Sally Hawkins).

Julie created a strong support system of encouragement, strength, and love. Nathan’s father was also instrumental in his growth, but was tragically killed in a car accident with Nathan in the car. The 9-year-old Nathan was never able to reciprocate his mother’s emotions and affection, and became more secluded. Nathan again found peace in math, and school would become a new chapter that would open up a new world in this audience favorite. While no one in the school system seemed to take notice of Nathans’s abundance of intelligence, one eccentric teacher did take an interest. Mr. Humphreys saw the potential of his pupil, and knew Nathan could lift the British squad to the coveted International Mathematics Olympiad in Taiwan.

Now a teen, Nathan faces challenges, meets a beautiful girl and is forced to solve life’s problems. He discovers he has more strength than he realized. It’s no wonder why Rotten Tomatoes critical acclaim labeled the movie “Certified Fresh” and worth seeing with family. It shows the strength of the human spirit even when we don’t understand the plan, and finding people who believe in us when we don’t. What can we glean from this touching story on this math prodigy?

We will look at five lessons from this film where we can apply it to our daily lives, and you don’t need to be a prodigy to take part.

1. The film shares how important family and friends are when we are going through trials. Nathan’s support network remained steadfast to help him through. We all can use more empathy and patience with the people we love. If you want friends that love you unconditionally, be a friend.

2. Use the talent you have. You can tap into your gifts that make you unique. Enlist someone who can see what you can’t, if you can’t. Everyone has talents, use what you have now no matter how small.

3. Nathan’s mom Julie found peace in letting go of things out of her control. This made her even more loving and resilient.

4. Flexibly is crucial in life for the next curve ball.

5. Being different has a certain beauty. We can see this in Nathan how he arranges his food, room, his fascination with electric trains, and his obsession with prime numbers. Being self-accepting allows us to become more accepting towards others and to see the beauty in everyone. Open up your worldview and see the wonder in all people.

The film, although entertaining, gives us hope when facing challenges. Like Nathan we can triumph in life and finding friendship in unexpected places. No matter where you are now, you can, like Nathan, persevere.

Now on DVD and Digital!

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