Anti-'Passion' Campaign Planned
Instead of boycotting, groups plan lectures, interfaith talks and other programs.
January 2004:
Catholic League and Catholic Demand Apology from Anti-Defamation League
ADL, Mel Gibson Exchange Letters
ADL: Portrayal of Jews "Painful to Watch"
ADL reiterates concerns about the film's potential to promote anti-Semitism.
ADL Letter to Mel Gibson
League asks for a meeting to discuss how to deal with possible unintended consequences of the film
Gibson's Company Blasts Jews Who Saw 'Passion' Film 'in Stealth Mode'
ADL Asks Gibson to Provide "Postscript" to Movie
Fanning the Passion
Christian supporters are plugging the movie as an evangelization opportunity.
Did the Pope Like 'The Passion'?
Fall 2003:
Gibson's Two Movies
Christians and Jews need to understand what the other group is seeing in "The Passion of the Christ." By Dennis Prager
The Gospel Untruth
The argument that the Jews rather than the Romans killed Jesus rests on one absurd premise: that Pontius Pilate tried to save Jesus's life but the Jews demanded that he be executed. By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
Don't Whitewash Biblical Events
The movie is faithful to scripture, and that's why critics are angry, says New Testament scholar Darrell Bock.
What Mel Missed
There's a reason why the gospels don't focus on the crucifixion's blood and gore. By Frederica Mathewes-Green
Why Focus on Anti-Semitism?
Jews and Christians need to concentrate on more pressing issues than a Hollywood movie. By Ted Haggard
Summer 2003:
The Real Problem With Passion
The movie itself may or may not be anti-Semitic. But the response to critics of the film smacks of anti-Semitism. By Amy-Jill Levine
Portrait of an Anti-Semite
ADL head Abe Foxman says Mel Gibson spouts classic anti-Semitism.
Passion Misplay
Who killed Jesus? It's time for both Jews and Christians to fess up. By Steven Waldman
Are 'Passion' Critics Trying to Censor the Gospels?
Gibson's movie couldn't be more searing than the Gospels themselves. By David Klinghoffer
Not a Murder Victim
Gibson portrays Jesus' death as a self-sacrifice. By Cal Thomas
"Painful to Watch, But Not Anti-Semitic"
By David Horowitz
Catholic publisher Deal Hudson reviews a rough cut of the film.
News: Anti-Defamation League Angered After Screening
Jews React to Gibson's Film
Jewish groups worry the film will revive anti-Semitic view of Jews.
Other News Coverage From Around the Internet:
LA Times | January 1, 2004
"Passion" Coincides with Jewish Writings
Jewish tradition acknowledges that first-century Jewish leaders played a role in Jesus' execution. If Gibson is an anti-Semite, so is the Talmud and so is Maimonides. By David Klinghoffer
Washington Post | August 6, 2003
Controversial Film: "The Passion"
Chat transcript with film critic and former synagogue president Michael Medved, who had seen a cut of the film
US Catholic Conference | August 5, 2003
Criteria for the Evaluation of Dramatizations of the Passion
Frontpage Magazine | July 30, 2003
Mel Gibson's Passion
From David Horowitz' blog
PR Web | July 25, 2003
NAE Defends Mel Gibson's New Movie, The Passion
The New Republic Online | July 25, 2003
USA Today Op/Ed | July 22, 2003
'Passion' elicits unfair conflict
Washington Post | July 22, 2003
Mel Gibson's Washington Power Play | July 1, 2003
Rabbi, Pastor Spar Over Gibson's 'Passion' | June 29, 2003
Focus on the Family Praises Gibson's Film
National Catholic Register | June 22-28, 2003
Bishops Apologize to Mel Gibson Over The Passion
WorldNetDaily | June 9, 2003
Mel Gibson to sue religious groups?
Forward | March 21, 2003
Movie Could Resurrect Old Charges Against Jews
BPNews | February 24, 2003
Interview: Mel Gibson's 'Passion' for Jesus
Christian Coalition of America | January 18, 2003
Christian Coalition Commends Gibson and Film
WorldNetDaily | January 14, 2003
Mel Gibson under attack for Jesus film?
Anti-Defamation League
The Oberammergau Passion Plays