Take a Trip to the Galapagos Islands
The Galapagos Islands are truly a living testament to the verses in Job. The wildlife of the Galapagos displays both the majesty of God's creation and His mercy in preserving life in a cursed world.
In Genesis 1 we read that God created everything by His spoken command in six days. The Hebrew word for day used throughout Genesis 1 should be understood as a literal 24-hour day, since it is used with the words morning, evening, and a number (for example, "So the evening and the morning were first day" [Genesis 1:5]). And calculations from father-son genealogies given in Genesis 5 and 11 and elsewhere in Scripture give us a date for creation that is approximately 4,000 years before Jesus came to earth (or roughly 6,000 years before today).
For more information on Galapagos Islands - a different view click here.