2019-03-28 2019-03-28
Denzel Washington
Andrea Raffin / Shutterstock.com

Aside from being acknowledged as one of the greatest actors of our time, Denzel Washington still commands an audience and impressions online. No matter how many pieces we do on the handsome actor, readers can't get enough of him. Not that he needs any further recognition as his repertoire of films already created quite a distinction. Films like "Fences," "American Gangster" and "Malcolm X," are just the tip of his distinguished career. He picked up his 2nd Oscar (Best Actor) in "Training Day" and scored hits with movies like “Philadelphia,” “The Book of Eli,” “Safe House” and “Courage Under Fire.” But what makes Washington standout outside of his resume is the ability to speak up about his faith and about life on and off camera. He's the guy who said, "If you're going to pray for rain, you gotta be willing to deal with the mud, too." Here are more notable quotes and lessons from Denzel Washington that will inspire you.

Momma knew best.

The beginnings were humble and Washington doesn't seem to have forgotten his roots. His mother was worried that her son would get into the wrong crowds, so she made a decision to enroll him into prep school. She believed that doing this would help her son to focus on the arts, sports, music and to keep him off the streets. It worked and this is why we can relish his career today. While some of his friends were going down a tragic path, Lennis Washington had the wisdom to get him out of a situation before it was too late. "I was what they call 'throwing rocks at the penitentiary,' but I never hit it," he told ABC. "I never got caught. But I also knew right from wrong, so I never wanted to go too far.” While Washington went to a private school. His friends proceeded down a more troubled path. "One did 28 years, one did 20 and the other did 12," he said about his former friends. 

God taught him to be strong.

Washington was 20 and was struggling in college at Fordham University in the Bronx when he received a divination. “You’re going to speak to millions of people. You’re going to do great things,” a customer wrote on a piece of paper. He doubted it since he was flunking out of college. Things turned around and today he still has the piece of paper to remind him that God was true to His Word. There's never been a time where God didn't direct or protect him. "There may have been times where I was less than faithful to Him, but He had faith in me."

He learned to focus on his talents.

Washington went to military school when he was 14. His parents sent him to Oakland Military Academy in New Windsor, New York. The school is now closed, but the actor credits the experience for helping him to stay out of trouble and to focus on his talents in writing, acting and in journalism.

He learned about hard work.

Denzel Washington was asked about his worst jobs. He replied: "I was a garbage man...you get eight hours of work, but you can do it in 3. So you can go home as soon as you finish. Post office, you get 3 hours of work, and you make it last 8. I did both. I liked being a garbage man better."

He learned to be humble.

Washington dismissed people who think fame or making movies is at the center of the world. "Just like people say: 'Oh, the difficulty of making a movie.' I'm like, listen, send your son to Iraq--that's difficult. It's just a movie. It's like, relax. I don't play that precious nonsense. It's like, oh, a movie. Get outta here. Your son got shot in the face? That's difficult. Making a movie is a luxury; it's a gift. It's an opportunity, and most importantly, it's a gift. Obviously, everybody here is talented enough to do that, but don't get it twisted. It's just a movie. It ain't that big a deal."

He stands up against the media.

Washington said that the mainstream media is selling the public lies and people need to start thinking for themselves, as they are uninformed. "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed."

He learned that no one cares about facts.

Washington is over the reporters who don't do their homework. "In our society, now it's just first — who cares, get it out there. We don't care who it hurts. We don't care who we destroy. We don't care if it's true," he discharged. "Just say it, sell it."

He knows the family is important.

Washington used to run errands and took his kids to all sorts of sports and school events. He said that family was life and "entertainment was fantasy." Being famous is not his focus, taking care of the people in life are. He and Pauletta Washington have 4 grown children and their marriage is successful because of Denzel's relationship with God. "It's all spiritual, it's all based on God. I'm limited as a human being, and when you look at certain situations, it's very bleak. Or at least it appears that way, but then I seek spiritual counseling. My inner circle of people are like-minded, so we strengthen each other," Pauletta said. Having a solid relationship in Hollywood is not easy and the couple remains steadfast.

Washington continues to captivate the attention of the public. Not just for his films, but his enduring faith and for going against the grain in Hollywood.
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