So have you gotten any more used to the rabid fans, because they were there for days just to get into the panel? So does it feel dangerous to be around the 6,500 people in that room?

It’s kind of scarier the more times you do it, cause the first time you think, well I can just stand here and it’s going to be a new experience. So I’ll have things to say. But you do it four times and you think, I’m going to freeze in front of 6,000 people, and I’ll have absolutely nothing to say. (Laughs) And that’s the scariest thought. But it’s always about fun, it’s much more fun than doing the premieres where it’s just kind of unbelievable intensity, because you can give something back at the Comic-Con panel.

What is Edward like in the last movie? Has he developed in any way?

He is a lot more relaxed from after the first part of Breaking Dawn, but I think it kind of throws them again off balance when as soon as Bella becomes a vampire, (laughter) it’s all totally new again. So he never understood it before, and then she becomes the same as him and yet he still doesn’t understand her at all, like she’s stronger than him and completely unpredictable. She’s a heightened version of what she was before. And so he’s trying to figure that one out, but it makes him younger again, like he’s excited by his life and the last part.

What is it like to be a man and meet a strong woman? What is your experience there?

I think everyone has a kind of strength, it just depends who you are. I react to certain things, because I’m quite hypersensitive and I don’t want to offend anyone. I find it impulsive when someone is not afraid and do this and doesn’t care what you think, and I find that impressive. But yeah, I don’t know how to answer the question.

But is it difficult to stand your ground if you are sensitive like that?

No, ‘cause if you know who you are, sometimes it makes it easier to stand your ground if you are sensitive, ‘cause you know what you are thinking.

Did you have a chance to reflect on this journey on the first movie?

Yeah, sometimes. But it’s still a question of really trying to because I’m still young. I am still trying to direct my life at the same time and so there’s no real time to reflect. I feel as if someone has put me on a bit of a runaway train and I’m almost getting to the front to be able to steer it. So it’s really quite difficult to come to terms really about what’s happened.

A couple of years ago in an interview, you talked about luck as an actor and how you felt that you were lucky, but that you had to prove you were worthy of that luck. Do you still feel that way?

Yeah, I think one of the most important things to have as an actor is unworthiness, because like in any art form, I like the people who hurt themselves doing it, and the more inexplicable you are to the general public… People who had quite a lot of success still think like it’s nothing to do with them. You feel your ego gets smaller and smaller and smaller the more success you get - no one really understands that. And if no one understands you, it makes you more interesting as a performer. So the more individual you become, the more successful you become in your art.

When you say hurt yourself, can you mention any examples?

It’s kind of pathetic, but it is a very typical thing. It is this unworthiness-like feeling. You wake up every day thinking, because your art and your product and your job are all just yourself, you can quite easily think that if you fail at your job, you take yourself home with you. (Laughs) So it’s this horrible feeling, and some actors can literally just think ‘I’m the best’ and they are unaffected by everything, and that seems amazing to me. But I like the beating yourself up aspect of it, there’s always something to prove. And nothing will ever be enough and it provides a kind of fire and energy.

It prevents you from being happy.

I’m happiest at that point, I’m happiest when I’m trying to prove myself, like when I’m just sitting around relaxing - there’s nothing to do. I would hate it if I felt like I’d come home after a day at work and think I did exactly what I was supposed to do today, well, why are you going to go into work tomorrow then? (Laughs)

Back to Twilight. This is a series about love, and I know you want to protect your private life so I won’t ask you any private questions but love in general. You are young, but do you think love changes through the different stages of life? And has the way you feel about it changed in any way for you?

I haven’t really thought about that. (Laughs) Yeah, not really since...

In Twilight, your character teaches Bella how to be a vampire. Did you give some pointers to Kristen?

She changed the storyline, she just figured it out on her own. She’s just like, ‘Don’t tell me what to do.’ (Laughter)

What is your favorite scene from Breaking Dawn 2?

I think it’s hilarious when Taylor comes up to this character called Benjamin, who controls the elements and he’s making a fire, and Taylor walks up to him and says, ‘Are you going to play with that thing all night or are you going to use it?’ (Laughter) I just think it’s hilarious. (Laughs)

Publication by courtesy of The eBook People. The full interview is published in the eBook “Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner – In their own words” © The eBook People GmbH, available at www.theebookpeople.com for US 5.99 $, and as enhanced version with AUDIO for US 7.99 $.

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