The Cost of Discipleship
Bonhoeffer's best-known work argues that to be Christian means to give our lives to follow Christ.

Letters and Papers from Prison
An inspiring collection of letters to and from his family during Bonhoeffer's two years in prison. Also included are legal papers from his trial, as well as sermons, essays and poems from this time.

Life Together
Bonhoeffer's writings on Christian community, based on his experience in an underground seminary during the Nazi years, advocates prayer, common worship and everyday work to keep a family or other faith group together in times of stress.

Love Letters from Cell 92
Letters between Bonhoeffer and his fiance during his years of imprisonment.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Biography (Revised Edition)
By Eberhard Bethge
The story Bonhoeffer's life and the power of his continuing witness, written by his student and friend.

The Wisdom and Witness of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
By Wayne Whitson Floyd, Jr.
Collected passages from Bonhoeffer's works, presented side-by-side with meditations by Floyd.

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