A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
By Betty Smith Harperperennial Library ------------------------------------- "The mother read her kids a page of the Bible and a page of Shakespeare every day after twelve hours of scrubbing floors." -- Laura Sheahen |
The Mists of Avalon
By Marion Zimmer Bradley Del Rey ----------------------------- "I love the different perspective on the Arthurian legend when seen through the eyes of women." -- Wendy Schuman |
By Judy Olausen Penguin USA ---------------------------------- "The perfect coffee table book for a mom with a great sense of humor. This mother/daughter team makes perfect photographer and foil." -- Ellen Leventry |
Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul
By Jack Canfield (Editor), Mark Victor Hansen, Jennifer Read Hawthorne, Marci Shimoff Helath Communications --------------------------------- "Every mother to whom I've given this has thanked me profusely. They now have Expectant Mother's Soul and Mother's 2 out as well." -- Sharon Linnea |