
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
By Betty Smith
Harperperennial Library
"The mother read her kids a page of the Bible and a page of Shakespeare every day after twelve hours of scrubbing floors."
-- Laura Sheahen

The Mists of Avalon
By Marion Zimmer Bradley
Del Rey
"I love the different perspective on the Arthurian legend when seen through the eyes of women."
-- Wendy Schuman


By Judy Olausen
Penguin USA
"The perfect coffee table book for a mom with a great sense of humor. This mother/daughter team makes perfect photographer and foil."
-- Ellen Leventry

Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul
By Jack Canfield (Editor), Mark Victor Hansen, Jennifer Read Hawthorne, Marci Shimoff
Helath Communications
"Every mother to whom I've given this has thanked me profusely. They now have Expectant Mother's Soul and Mother's 2 out as well."
-- Sharon Linnea


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