
The C.S. Lewis Foundation
The mission of the foundation is to celebrate the life and legacy of C.S. Lewis and to encourage a renaissance of Christian scholarly and artistic expression within the mainstream of the contemporary university.

Into the Wardrobe
A fan site fit for the Lewis neophyte or those already fascinated by Jack (Lewis' nickname) and his works.

C.S. Lewis: 20th-Century Christian Knight
An extensive compendium of links including apologetics, ethics, philosophy, and politics.

Mere Christianity Study Guide
Devoted to helping people understand and apply this classic work so that they may be equipped to share their faith more powerfully in the world in which they live.

The Quotable C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis Quote Page

Quotes on Social Morality


"On Forgiveness" from "The Joyful Christian"
"Everyone says forgiveness is a lovely idea until they have something to forgive...."

Mere Lewis
Featured essays, excerpts, and writings.

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