Velma Still Cooks in Leeway by Vinita Hampton Wright Read the review Read an excerpt Discuss this book with the author Buy it In a follow-up to her acclaimed novel "Grace at Bender Springs," Vinita Hampton Wright serves up a moving tale of violence and forgiveness in a small town-and delivers proof that Christian novelists can write literary fiction. |
Divine Hours by Phyllis Tickle Read the review Read an excerpt Discuss this book with the author Buy it Phyllis Tickle's seasonal breviaries assemble daily prayers and psalms for Christians seeking a deep personal liturgical experience. |
The Ancient Synagogue by Lee I. Levine Read the review Read an excerpt Discuss this book on our boards Buy it "Ancient Synagogue" eruditely explores how Jews and Christians influenced one another in antiquity. |
Papal Sin by Garry Wills Read the review Read an excerpt Discuss this book with the author Buy it Garry Wills' controversial critique of the Catholic Church and its leadership from the 11th century to today. |