When something changes, there's no need in becoming undone because change is supposed to happen. In fact, change always occurs for your benefit. There are some comfortable areas in our lives where if change did not come, we'd still be stuck in those things until Jesus returns. Stop letting change impact you negatively. Learn how to operate in it and use it as a tool for your maturity. Question yourself, "Okay, I'm changing in this. This isn't the way it used to be. What level am I to operate in now? What's going on in my life?" Sometimes the Lord is urging us to change certain areas in our lives. He'll say, "I want you to learn how to communicate; I want you to learn how to not get so angry and watch your temper." Unfortunately, we often do not heed the lessons of the Lord. Know this: The Lord will never allow you to stay untaught. If He's trying to teach you a lesson about your emotions, then you'll learn it one way or the other. If He's telling you to watch your tone of voice and how you behave, then certain situations will line up in your life to make sure you correct that facet of your life. For instance, someone may do something that would usually upset you. Rather than succumbing to strife, you'll remind yourself to watch your temper. That is embracing change in your life. Now, you'll either learn that way, or the Lord will set you up in another situation where you'll have to learn the hard way. You could be in a crowded church hallway just after the service ended, and because someone bumped you the wrong way, you start a yelling match in front of everybody. Because of your rambunctious and disorderly behavior, you're finally forced to change. Your embarrassment provoked you to humility. Perhaps the next time you'll pay a little more attention to God when He's trying to change you for your own good. Do you know that you will never know what is in you until you're pressed out? Can you stand the pressure? Will you change for the better? "Well, I never really finished school, and I'm trusting God to bless me with that." College isn't in your house! You've got to get up and go to school. Nobody is going to knock on your door and say, "Excuse me. Did you want a Master's Degree? I sensed that in my heart when I was at the admissions office. Your name and address just came up in my spirit, and something told me to come and bestow one upon you." Yeah, right!Just like Gideon, a lot of us need to lighten our load today. Gideon had too many people in his camp, and, therefore, had to forsake quantity in order to have quality. The people around him had to be the right kind of people. Being laden with too many of the wrong people is a sure-fire way to stunt your spiritual growth in God. This morning, write down the things that you need to change. Be honest with yourself. If you are quick to have an attitude and fly off of the handle, then you should know that you need to change that area of your life. Search yourself and change. Know this: From this day forward, you are not going to be pitiful. You are not going to keep crying. You are not going to be a wimp or afraid. You are not going to be cast down or burdened. You're not going to be distressed or depressed, overwhelmed or overtaken. You will not be fearful or frustrated, worn out or weary. You're going to be saved. You're going to be defended. You're going to be charged with a new strength and a new power. You are God's anointed. In fact, you need to just say that aloud; "I am God's anointed. He protects His anointed; He takes care of His anointed; He brings His anointed out." This is a different day for you today. This isn't yesterday or yesteryear. You're not even the same person you were then. Come up out of the past. This is a new era in your life. Refuse to be a new person living in an old world. Refuse to be a new person living in an old year. You're new. Whatever you didn't accomplish in the past, forget it. Don't let that hold you back. Have the courage to start all over again. Whatever area you failed in before today, let it go. You are not the same person that failed. You changed. There's a whole new commission and brand new direction for your life. Don't let the enemy get you stuck in your old order. Don't get stuck trying to finish the old order of an old year just because you created your own deadline to get that thing completed. If you didn't finish it and you missed your deadline, don't keep banging your head against the walls of procrastination, condemnation, and regret. Change. How much longer are you going to keep thinking about what you could have done, should have done, and would have done? How many times are you going to regret not being where you want to be in your life if only you hadn't done such and such? Constant regrets are just causing you to halt positive change from occurring in your life. Some of you don't understand how deep this is. Sometimes, you've even got to go as far as changing your wardrobe, because you're just not the same person anymore. Some of you are going to have to move out of the neighborhood you're in; you're not the same person anymore. It's a brand new day. This is a new era for you. The Lord is going to save you, raise you up, send you strength, and send you help. Everything you need is going to be there for you, if you'll only dare to embrace change and change. If you never embrace change, regret will constantly besiege you and make you very miserable. You'll always measure yourself by what you should have done, rather than what you actually had the courage and faith to do. Embrace change this morning-don't run from it. If you have to read this one devotion every day until it seeps deep down in your spirit, then do that. Don't be afraid. The Lord has blessed you with everything you need. Your dreams and your goals are from Him. Everything you need, He's already placed within you. Begin to birth change in your life. Push yourself. Set daily goals, and don't allow your past to become your prison. Break out. You can make it. Tell yourself that you can do it. If you never hear a single person affirm your dreams and tell you that you can do this, then just begin to prophesy to yourself.Change. Push it through. Birth it this morning. Travail and weep for it. Break condemnation and every force that binds you up. You're pushing yourself to a new level. Push it through. You were not given the spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind. Put a demand on God this morning. Let His Word come alive in your spirit. When you enter into prayer today, tell the Lord that you want to be changed. Ask Him to help you embrace change as never before. Tell the Lord that above anything else, you want His will to be done in your life. I cannot stress that enough. It is His will that is ushering in change this morning. It is so critical at this point in your life that you do not act on your own self-imposed will. Don't get caught outside of God's special grace today by making changes not commissioned by Him. Allow the Lord's kingdom to come and His will to be done in your life. Call on the anointing to go into the crevices of your mind and the depths of your spirit, and pull out everything that's unlike the Lord. My friend, you are entering into spiritual warfare this morning to kill your consistent resistance to change. Annihilate your rebellion to making the changes God ordained for your life. Destroy the very root of disobedience in your life. Make sure that you grab a hold of this; God is giving you a special grace to embrace change this morning. He's redirecting your course. He's shifting you to your next level. Be willing to undergo the transformation. Bind up fear, and loose your faith today. Take the opportunity to give God the praise. He is your protection, your leader, your guide, and He is your Spirit of truth. It's time to grow up, mature, and embrace change today, in Jesus' name.
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