2017-07-12 2017-07-12
You can tell that Andria Hall and Linnie Frank are best friends as soon as you pick up their book. This funny, smart, black women's guide to everyday life and prayer is a godsend. Covering all the important topics--love, marriage, friendship, children, and faith--Andria and Linnie speak to each other in the tones of companionship and humor reserved for the oldest of pals. And by the end of the book, you'll feel like you're their friend too.

There's plenty of good sense in this book. For example, Linnie's reflections on marriage: "It wasn't until my early thirties that I reached the maturity required for marriage--I was finally ready! I must say, I'm glad I waited. I don't feel as though I missed out on anything. I enjoyed being single, and now I enjoy being married." Or Andria's comments on friendship: "My friends are women who would give me their last dime, stop everything, ask no questions and deliver--no matter what." But the most important lesson is always the same: God is the true guide to a happy and loving life and relationships on earth. Give this warm, witty and deeply spiritual book to your best girlfriend today. She might even think it's divine.

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