There is a pattern: the man gets famous writing jeremiads, apocalypses, or spiritual guides, and then his wife gets in on the act. Think of Ed and Gayle Wheat, or Tim and Beverly LaHaye. Now James Dobson, founder of the evangelical traditional-values group Focus on the Family, has enlisted the help of his wife Shirley to produce this devotional. It is keyed to twenty-six weeks, with a devotional for each day of those weeks. The devotionals comprise a small homily, suggested questions for the spouses to ask each other, and a prayer for one or both to say.

At its best, the book encourages spouses to treat each other with respect and constantly to examine their behavior for avenues of improvement. At its worst, "Night Light" is pointlessly reactionary (taking potshots at homosexuals' complaining of "supposed discrimination") and poorly written ("Lord, please give us wisdom and strength as we seek to affair-proof our marriage").

This book will best serve fans of James Dobson, who will appreciate his usual mix of Christian counsel and political views.

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