2024-07-09 2024-07-09

Life is ShortJennifer Arnold and Bill Klein have inspired many with their hit TLC show The Little Couple. Now the couple is sharing more about their life and hoping to inspire others with their book “Life is Short.” The book discusses how they met, marriage, the couple’s health obstacles, and the adoption process.

Their mission is to make the world a better place and help others who are dealing with challenging situations. “Life is Short” is filled with positivity and instills the will to overcome. Jennifer and Bill manage to maintain successful careers and be great parents to their children – Will and Zoey.

Beliefnet had the opportunity to speak with Jennifer and Bill and talk about parenthood, the show and what’s next.

In the book you discuss the importance of your children understanding that you were their parents and not their caretakers. Can you talk about this in detail and give advice to our readers who have or are considering adoption?

Literature and adoption experts we had consulted prior to bringing home Will and Zoey had explained how important forming a parent-child bond with your child is. Part of that process involved our direct participation with every activity, need or desire each child had during the first 4-6 weeks we are together. It also meant NOT having others around to help. While parents and friends were willing and able, we had to refuse their assistance. Mainly because any appearance that we were a ‘shift’ where another caregiver would be taking over for any period of time would detract from all we were trying to establish. Ultimately, it wasn’t just good for the kids, it was a wonderful experience for us too.

How have the two of you changed since becoming parents?

Much more tired earlier in the evening. We are happy and proud parents. And we feel very fortunately to have Zoey and Will in our lives. The entire experience has made us a stronger couple, and we will continue to grow as parents and as a couple.

What advice do you have to parents out there who are balancing a career, raising a family and trying to maintain some sort of balance?

Good luck! It’s not easy! And anyone that tells you it is hasn’t done it! But seriously, it is a balance. And if you only have 100% of your time to give, you must first recognize that nothing will get as much attention as you’d like, or it/they/him/her deserve (job, kids, spouse). Then it becomes a matter of prioritization and passion. Passion for your kids will be the incentive to make every free moment fun and productive with your children. Enjoyment of your work will help you find a way to get up a bit earlier, work a little after the kids go to bed and be smarter with the time you devote to work. And don’t forget your spouse. Without him/her, you are not going to get nearly as much accomplished. Get on the same page, share a calendar, talk about what’s important and ultimately, it will occasionally require this word… compromise. Sometimes your stuff will be most important, and other times you will need to acquiesce to their needs (even if you don’t think its as important as they do). And Good luck.

The new season of the Little Couple aired May 26th – what can we expect this season?

More normalcy around the Klein/Arnold home for a change. Wills birthday, ballet and karate lessons, fun stuff. Some medical stuff comes into the picture, as is seemingly the case with people with skeletal dysplasia as we get older, but mostly this next run of episodes will be fun over frantic, thank goodness.

What is the number one question that the two of you are always asked no matter what the forum may be?

How are the kids? And how is Jen and her recovery from cancer. And as the most proud dad and husband in the world, I can honestly tell you everyone is doing very well. We are truly lucky, fortunate, blessed and grateful.

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