
In their world they are unstoppable, but what happens to us as fans when hear that our sports heroes are chumps, and are just as weak as everyone else? It’s disappointing, but after we yell a few unprintable phrases, and realize, it’s not worth it.

Yankee third baseman Alex Rodriguez admitted to federal agents investigating the Biogenesis scandal that he used performance enhancing drugs. Reportedly, A-Rod admitted to federal agents Jan. 29 that he used PED’s to avoid jail time, and paid Anthony Bosch to inject him with human-growth-hormones, testosterone creams, and vitamin cocktails, according to a papers obtained by The Miami Herald. The deal would give the player minimum immunity.

Rodriguez's cousin, Yuri Scart was paid $1 million for his silence of being the go-between Him and Bosch. Rodriguez was told by Bosch how to beat the MLB tests by submitting “mid-stream” urine. Known as Mr. T, Bosch ran a South Florida clinic, and faces a maximum of 10 years in prison for providing testosterone to athletes both pro and amateur.

Rodriguez, 39 ended his 162-game suspension an dis expected to rejoin the Yankees in 2015.

A-Rod has a solid lineup.

Last year cyclist Lance Armstrong admitted using PED and lost seven of his Tour de France titles. Boston Red Sox pitcher Roger Clemens allegedly used HGH, steroids, and amphetamines and was listed in the Mitchell Report for using in 1998, 2000 and 2001. Oakland A’s slugger Mark McGwire, Barry Bonds, and Jose Conseco, all have had allegations or have admitted to using steroids.

Many believe these stars should be role models. Like A-Rod and other that will follow, do we really care want to stay offended at someone you’ve never met? Sometimes we forget thier mistakes as long as they keep our teams winning. We are disappointed, but heroes in sports, Hollywood, or anywhere else are infallible and we should look elsewhere for inspiration.

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