
Candace Cameron BureWith the tapings of Fuller House, guest host appearances on The View and a new book “Dancing Through Life” many may wonder how does Candace Cameron Bure handle it all? “It’s not easy. I certainly don’t do it perfectly. It’s a big juggling act. Some days I get it wrong and some days I fail. I do the things that I am really passionate about and I always remember that my family comes first,” said Bure.

In Bure’s latest book, Dancing Through Life Steps of Courage and Conviction, Bure talks about her time on Dancing With the Stars and how it ultimately changed her life. “The show is such a unique opportunity. I wish everyone could experience. Having never danced before, dancing itself is such a freeing thing to do. The movement of your body and even learning choreography – it works your brain. It was something I enjoyed on so many levels,” said Bure. “The show itself is what changed so much of me. It gave me a level of confidence and pushed me so far out of my comfort zone. I had to push through my own self mentally to stay the course and I discovered so much of myself.”

In her book, she shares the day-to-day experiences and how she was able to discover things about herself that have helped her become a better mother, wife, actress and general person overall. Dancing opened so many doors and a newfound outlet for Bure that she is internally grateful for.

The world had the opportunity to see a part of Bure blossom that radiated a newfound sense of confidence and perseverance. She discovered that joyfulness is different from happiness and is the biggest gift in life because no matter the circumstances may be, joy can bring forth the tools to keep moving forward. “My joy is in the Lord and knowing him and knowing that I can tap into his strength. I had some really difficult weeks but as I was discovering things about myself, I couldn’t put the smile on myself. It’s hard to force a smile and that’s where joyfulness is so different from happiness. I had to rely on my joyfulness to provide reinforcement to go forward,” said Bure.

Obviously, there is no doubt that Bure is a very busy woman - with rumors circulating around Bure possibly being added as the official line-up on The View and of course the highly anticipated tapings and release of Fuller House. Bure’s name and her recent resume additions have been trending and circulating all over various media outlets.

“Every time I guest host, on The View, I enjoy my time. It’s a fun and special platform to share your opinions. Everyone has a viewpoint and they’re all different. I think it helps challenge people to hear a view point that they may not have considered,” said Bute. “I’m flattered to be amongst the names of such strong and talented women. As I continue to guest host, I’ll always be me. I’m not trying to be a different version of myself. I have come to have a biblical world view.”

Candace BureAnd as for Fuller House she’s excited! “It’s thrilling and I love it,” said Bure. “I’m thrilled that I get to answer that yes, when people ask if we’re doing it.”

Bure is having a very successful 2015 and with her current line-up of projects and endeavors, I’m sure she’ll be the talk of 2016 as well.

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