Ellar and Hawk

This is a time capsule, a moment filmmaking that is quite magical. Imagine a camera capturing you from the ages of six through 18 as an actor. What’s even more intense is watching on screen how your face, body, clothes, hair styles and mannerisms changed in 12 years.

Welcome to Richard Linklater’s coming-of age-story, “Boyhood.” The film is already being predicted to receive an Oscar nomination by making cinematic history as being first of its kind.

“It’s very surreal and it’s a lot to take in all at once,” said Ellar Coltrane, now 19, who played Mason and recalling the first time he watched himself on screen.

But there something comforting about the film and the experience and viewing the ups and downs of childhood.

“I think there are these moments that could be embarrassing or painful to relive, but there’s something about having it all in context that is [also] comforting and puts it in perspective.”

The story is shown in real time with Lorelei Linklater as Mason’s sister growing up with their divorced parents played by Ethan Hawk and Patricia Arquette. Actors and the crew met with director Richard Linklater to shoot scenes in Austin, Texas each summer beginning in 2002.

Coltrane is no stranger to acting. He played a bit in “Lone Star State of Mind” (2001) and “Fast Food Nation” in 2006. This was a project for Austin native, where he was immersed in the process of creating the film and not just enjoying the finished project.

“We were there because we were enjoying it. I think that’s incredible and the way everything should be.”

For Coltrane, watching himself grow up is was intense even watching it several times. He’s getting better about not focusing too much on that aspect. Now he can enjoy it as a movie as he believes others will.

“People can take way from this is that life is incredible, life is beautiful, life is fleeting and life is precious and your life is beautiful. Many movies focus on the huge moments, and I think it makes it harder to appreciate your own life. The mundane is magical.”

Don't miss this one!  Go to http://www.ifcfilms.com/films/boyhood for more information on the cast and more.

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