
How do some people become ghosts?

We are all given free will – even when we die. The light leading the way to the other side appears for us all, but we can choose to go through or stay and become a ghost. There are many theories as to how long the light lingers around us after death. Some mediums believe it’s three days after the funeral, others say it’s three days after the final memorial. The exact length of time is not known. What we do know is that eventually the white light leaves and the person is now a ghost without a body, voice box or means of communication with those of us living in this dimension.

Why do some choose to be ghosts?

People refuse to go through the light for many reasons. Sometimes the grieving ones won’t let their loved ones pass on. Every time they cry out, “Don’t leave me!” the spirit is pulled back to this plane. Sometimes the newly deceased is afraid of being judged for their actions in the after life. Often, people stay because they don’t believe in an afterlife. And sometimes, people get stuck because their curiosity gets the best of them. Once they discover they can go anywhere with a thought and act as a fly on the wall, they don’t want to leave. The gossip is too tempting.

Why do ghosts attach to people and places?

Once they are stuck here, they realize that they can’t get their energy from drinking, eating or sleeping like they used to. Soon they discover that they can only get their energy from us. Because they’re now earthbound, they are vibrating at a low level and therefore get their energy from lower level vibrations such as stress, anger, sadness and frustration. It doesn’t take them long to discover that they can manipulate metal and electricity fairly easily. So if they misplace your keys five minutes before you have to leave for work, and you get completely stressed out and frustrated searching for them because you “know” you put them on the kitchen counter, the ghost in your house can live off that energy for several days. If they turn your TV off while you’re watching it, that surge of fear you emit can last them for a good while.

Ghosts need to therefore attach their energy to someone or someplace. This is how they “survive.” If they attach to a place and the homeowners move out, the ghost will go dormant for a while until a new family moves in. Without our energy to steal, they go into a sleep like state. This is why many ghosts choose to attach to people instead. Like attracts like, so they have to find someone who has similar energy. Most people who choose to stay a ghost aren’t the best kind of people. They tend to be addicted to earthly things – money, food, pleasure, drugs, alcohol. So if for example on earth they were focused on looking good, they might attach to someone who is obsessed with body image. An alcoholic ghost will seek out a current alcoholic. They are drawn to people of similar energies and will attach to them. They usually attach at the back of the solar plexus chakra – in the middle of our back. But this isn’t an absolute. If a person was a sex addict in life, they will attach to a similar energy at the sacral chakra. If a person was jealous and possessive and attaches to a similar energy, it will usually link in at the heart chakra.

Physical Signs of a Ghost Around You:

1) Holes in your aura. If you’ve experienced extreme drinking, eating or drugging, you’ve put holes in your aura and are therefore at risk of an attachment. If you’ve had surgery, there will be a tear in your aura for about six months afterward that will need to sealed with rest. In the meantime, you would be vulnerable to attachment. But remember, if you keep your energy light, positive and healthy, you won’t have anything to give a ghost and they will eventually leave you.

2) Headaches in adults, tummy aches and sore throats in children. Ghosts in the home will effect us physically. Adults tend to experience more tension headaches than is the norm while children tend to have upset stomachs and sore throats. Adults can also experience an increase in colds and upper respiratory issues.

What to Look for in Your Home:

1) Electrical problems. Some people will experience issues with their TV, phone, computer or children’s toys. People report TVs turning on when no one is in the room. Children’s electronic toys going off in the middle of the night. Alarms going off during the day and computers freezing up are also often reported. Lights turning on and off are common in a haunting.

2) Misplaced objects. If you keep losing things you need like you wedding ring, car keys or wallet only to have them miraculously reappear later, you may have a ghost

3) Cold Spots. If you have areas of cold spots in your home, you might have a ghost. This can be very common in an older home, however. Taken alone, none of these signs point to a ghost. Check your insulation. Always rule out physical explanantions first.

4) Unexplained shadows. Seeing shadows dart out of your perepherial vision, often termed “Shadow People,” is another sign of a haunting.

5) Unusual animal behavior. If your dog or cat suddenly asks skittish in one part of your home, stares at one spot in particular or barks at “nothing,” while staring at a corner of the room, the animal might be seeing a ghost.

6) Unexplained noises. People with a ghost attached to them or their home often report hearing whispering sounds that they can’t quite make out. Others unexplained noises include footsteps, the sounds of doors opening , knocks, scratching and the sound of something being dropped are other common sounds.

Emotional Signs of a Ghost

1) Feelings of being watched. In your home you might feel as though an unseen presence is always watching you. Many people report that this occurs most often at night and when they’re alone. This is a common feeling and is usually not paranormal, but if it happens consistently and in the same part of the house, it might be something.

2) Increased arguments in the home. Ghosts can feed for days off of a good argument, so they will often send thoughts into people’s head to create fighting and tension. People living in a haunted home often report that their marriage was going great and then suddenly senseless fighting erupted and they couldn’t stop it.

3) Feeling tired in your home and energized when you leave. Because ghosts take our energy, we will feel drained, tired and a bit cranky when we’re home but once we leave the home, we’ll feel more energized and happier. If a ghost has attached itself to you, this will be a much harder feeling to shake. It’s important to see your doctor to make sure these feelings don’t have a common, explainable source that can be helped with medicine or therapy.

What should you do if you have a ghost?

If you think you have a ghost, read up on this topic. Some great books include When Ghosts Speak by Mary Ann Winkowski and Relax! It’s Only a Ghost by Echo Bodine. You can seek out a reputable paranormal team for help. Check their references and make sure they don’t charge. You can also get your home blessed by a priest or minister. Keep the energy in your home light and clear. Make sure your home is always clean and cleared of clutter. Open the windows on a bright sunny day. Open your blinds always to let the light in. Sage your house weekly. Keep crystals in your home to lift the energy. Place classical music or the Gregorian chants in your home to break up negativity. Have a running source of water in your home to clear the energy such as an aquarium or water fountain. Avoid fake, silk plants and opt for live plants which will help clean the energy in your home.

The best way to keep your home and energy clean and clear of ghosts is to live a life of balance, positivity and gratitude.

Samantha Fey is an Intuitive Medium. Check her out on-line at www.thecrystalchick.com and listen to her weekly podcast by going to www.blogtalkradio.com/psychicteachers.

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