How strange, then, that Christ should sound oddly similar to a self-help guru! Ferrini writes about abusive relationships, forgiveness, "finding love within," how to say "no" in a loving way, and the importance of taking care of yourself, all the while purporting to be receiving messages from the divine. Then again, since the premise of this bizarre book is that Christ is everywhere and speaking through everyone at all times, maybe the therapeutic writers of the world are simply tapping into the Christ Mind as well.
This is a most unusual book, for its author disclaims true authorship.
Paul Ferrini's aphorisms purport to be the teachings of Christ himself,
transmitted through Ferrini's consciousness. "Christ," coming through
Ferrini's pen, is careful to note that he is not being "channeled," and
that this book "is the result of one listener's joining with the Christ
Mind, of which he and you are essential parts." The mind receives Christ,
and Christ is in the mind. This, not physical resurrection, is the true
Second Coming.