Website of the private company involved in mapping the human genome--includes a narrated introduction to the science of genome research.
Founded in 1983, the Council is a national nonprofit organization which encourages informed public debate about the social, ethical, and environmental implications of new genetic technologies, and advocates for socially responsible use of these technologies.
Beautifully-illustrated overview of the research into the human genome and its implications. Good links.
From the National Center for Biotechnology Information at NIH, a site that offers a searchable map of all 21 chromosomes and what is currently known about how various diseases are linked to particular genes.
An award-winning website created by the Oakridge National Laboratory, this site offers an excellent overview of the science behind the genome project - as well as Frequently Asked Questions, Ethical & Social Questions, a Student Guide to the Genome Project, and extensive links.
The official site of the government's human genome research project. Very dry, and largely oriented to the scientific community, the site does offer some good, basic information on the government's work, and a useful list of links.
A library of Times' coverage including video,interactive images, articles, and much more.