These are just a few of the characters introduced in Kala Trobe's "Invoke the Goddess." Though the book is full of "magickal" exercises and visualization techniques which the reader can use to channel the power of the goddesses in her own life, its most interesting, memorable aspect is its description of the character types represented by goddesses around the world, the innumerable feminine archetypes. Trobe does a wonderful job of describing the multifaceted female character types embodied by the goddesses, and sometimes her efforts to update the goddesses to the modern world are nothing short of delightful--as when she describes Kali as a teenager, who "enjoys fierce music and pours scorn on her peer group's proclivity toward boy bands." Who wouldn't like to be her friend--or at least visualize her for company every now and again?
Hecate, the crone, who knows the world and can see past exteriors.
Artemis, the athlete, androgynous and attentive, whose independence is
countered by a sense that the world is against her. Isis, the goddess of
the interior world, spiritually inclined and always a little distant from
harsh reality, inclined towards pretension. Radha, the embodiment of
feminine adoration and forgiveness, the misguided dreamer.