Herman glimpsed his "soul mate" for the first time when he was eight years old and in a Nazi work camp. She was on the other side of a barbed wire fence. He called to her for food and water. Years later they met in New York City, dispatched by friends on a blind date. They immediately discovered their unique connection and agreed to get married. Soul mates!

Anecdotes about finding love in the strangest places are the most amusing aspect of this book. Miller's talk about an "inner guide" instructing us who to marry may be useless to those whose inner voices are more inchoate. Her advice--don't be blinded by preconceptions about the "right" person to marry--sometimes strains credulity, as in the tale of the Austrian Nazi whose inner guide tells her to marry an American Jew. It also has the uncomfortable feeling of being directed at people in their late 40s who are getting a little desperate and want some justification for dating a totally inappropriate person; after all, most of the time, people marry those from similar backgrounds, "soul mates" or no.

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