World War I

Suddenly We Didn't Want to Die: Memoirs of a World War I Marine
by Elton E. MacKin, Presidio Press, 1996.

World War II

The Good War: An Oral History of World War Two
by Studs Terkel, New Press 1997. Copyright Studs Terkel.

The Pacific War Remembered: An Oral History Collection
by John T. Mason, Naval Institute Press, 1986

Voices of D-Day: The Story of the Allied Invasion Told by Those Who Were There
Edited by Ronald J. Drez, Louisiana State University Press, 1994. Copyright Eisenhower Center for Leadership Studies.


American POWs in Korea: Sixteen Personal Accounts
by Harry Spiller (Editor), McFarland & Company, 1998.

The Korean War: Pusan to Chosin: An Oral History
by Donald Knox, Harcourt Brace, 1987


A Piece of My Heart: The Stories of 26 American Women Who Served in Vietnam
by Keith Walker (Editor), Presidio Press, 1997

by Wallace Terry, Ballantine Books, 1989.

Honor Bound: American Prisoners of War in Southeast Asia, 1961-1973
by Stuart I. Rochester, Frederick T. Kiley, United States Naval Institute Press, 1999.

Strange Ground: An Oral History of Americans in Vietnam, 1945-1975
by Harry Maurer (Editor), Da Capo Press, 1998

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