If you're thinking about joining the 7.7 million American women who stay at home with their kids, read "And What Do You Do?"

Loretta Kaufman and Mary Quigley, NYU-trained journalists, say that putting one's career on hold does not mean forgoing work altogether--it just means waiting. (Kaufman and Quigley practice what they preach--both stayed at home with their kids, and both are now successful journalists.) Nor should potential stay-at-homes believe any of the other myths--that full-time parenting is nothing more than drudgery and moms have no time to themselves, that your brain will turn to oatmeal and your marriage will suffer.

In fact, many stay-at-home moms have more free-time than women juggling work and parenthood. Many moms volunteer, take yoga classes, or become more actively involved in church. And when you and your hubby aren't both stressed to the max, you may find yourselves taking picnics and enjoying candlelit dinners that were unthinkable when you were both trying to make partner at a posh law firm.

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