2024-05-08 2024-05-08
excerpted from the Charisma news service The remarkable success of the Left Behind fiction series continues, with publisher Tyndale House ordering a record 2 million initial print-run for the seventh installment. "The Indwelling" has already pre-sold 1.3 million copies to retailers and began appearing on Amazon.com's Top 100 list in February--even though it isn't published until next month. The end-times thrillers by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, together with the adventures' children's versions and audio cassettes, have sold a total of 18 million copies. "As each new book comes out, people new to the series go back and buy the first one," said spokesperson Beverly Rykerd. "The Indwelling" is scheduled to release May 23, and the authors plan to set off on a 10-city tour that will see them talking about their work and faith with fans. An evening event timed with the release will feature praise and worship music from Christian music artists Wayne Watson and Ginny Owens. Four books in the series have been regular features on the best-seller charts, with "Apollyon" and "Assassins" reaching No. 2 in "The New York Times" prestigious list. The eighth installment, "The Mark," is due out in November.
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