Joe Wheeler has entertained thousands of readers with his delightful and moving anthologies of Christ-centered Christmas stories; here he turns his attention to Easter.

In "What Was in Jeremy's Egg?" a teacher tells her class the story of Easter, and gives them each a plastic egg to take home-their assignment is to bring the egg back filled with something that symbolizes new life. Most children opt for moss or flowers, but Jeremy's egg is empty. His teacher is at a loss until Jeremy explains that Jesus' tomb was empty, too.

In "A Glimpse of Heaven," Mark, a blind 21-year-old, regains his sight through an operation, but a few days later becomes blind again. Mark's cousin is crushed, and suggests that life is a "cruel joke," but Mark explains that "life meant bitterness and disillusion only to those who rejected all that Christ came to bring. To those who accepted the fullness of life He offered, the present was vital with joy, the future radiant with hope."

These thirteen stories border on the saccharine-they won't win any awards for literary merit. But they do remind the reader that there is more to Easter than bunnies.

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