In April 1946, Jews throughout Europe celebrated the first Passover after the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps. In Munich, Holocaust survivors in displaced persons camps made their own Haggadah. Woven throughout the traditional Passover story of God delivering the Jews from slavery in Egypt was the story of God delivering the Jews from Hitler. The Haggadah was forgotten for 50 years, until Saul Touster stumbled across a copy in his father's papers. It has now been published, with an introduction by Touster, and remarkable woodcuts by Miklos Adler, a Hungarian artist who survived the Holocaust. "We were slaves to Hitler in Germany" one page of this remarkable Haggadah declares. "God hardened Hitler's heart" announces another. Even the traditional four sons, who ask about the meaning of the Seder, are drawn into the Holocaust allegory-the "wicked son" urges the Jews to rebuild Europe, rather than fleeing to Israel. Passover celebrants are enjoined to tell him "We have already given our best to Europe. And in return they built gas chambers and crematoria, and exterminated us with cruel ingenuity. Should we, for all this, rebuild Europe?"

"A Survivors' Haggadah" belongs in every Jewish home.

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