T.D. Jakes isn't your average pastor. Author of the best-selling "Woman Thou Art Loosed" and "The Lady, Her Lover and Her Lord", a producer of Grammy-winning CDs, with a 24,000-member church, "Potter's House," in Dallas, Jakes is a full-blown phenomenon. But it's not only his prominence or his prosperity that has made Jakes subject to careful scrutiny from fellow Christians: it's his message. Rather than a good, old-fashioned sermon on Christ's saving power, Jakes, some say, preaches the Health-and-Wealth gospel--God wants you to be healthy, wealthy, and wise. At first blush, his new book, "Maximize the Moment" seems to lend credence to that criticism. "Choose wisely," says the blurb on the back, "and life will be rich and rewarding." But an attentive reader will find that Jakes isn't espousing "Name It and Claim It" religion (if you work hard, God will give you a new car). To the contrary, Jakes reminds us that "Sometimes . His will collides with our loves." Out of those collisions comes "a clearer view of God's grace"-a gift more valuable than a dozen SUVs. In other words, a life lived in tune with God's will is always more abundant than a life guided by our own headstrong wishes. Isn't that the simple Gospel? As John 10:10 tell us, Jesus "came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."