2016-06-30 2016-06-30

Screen It! is not attempting to rate the movie as good or bad but to give parents the tools to decide whether it's appropriate for their kids.

This movie has been screened for objectional content in 15 areas. Click for a detailed look.

The following is a brief summary of the content found in this R-rated comedy. The film is filled with all sorts of scatological (body-based) humor, and makes fun of and generates laughs at the expense of those it deems "different" (people who are missing limbs or are obese, blind, etc...). A great deal of sexually related material is also present, including the basic notion of gigolos as well as the sounds of people having sex, other implied sex, a partially seen but not heard porno tape, related dialogue and partially unclothed or occasionally nude people. Profanity consists of many uses of the "s" word along with slang terms for genitalia, while other profanities and colorful phrases are also uttered. Some fighting occurs in the (comedic) form of a woman beating up the main character as well as another trying to attack him with medieval weapons. Since kids -- especially teenage males -- may be drawn to this film, you might want to take a closer look at our more detailed content listings should you still be concerned about the picture and its appropriateness for anyone in your home.

Comedy: After wrecking the house of a dangerous gigolo for whom he's house sitting, a small-time loser must take to servicing women to pay for the repairs.
If they're fans of Schneider, anyone else in the cast or sophomoric comedies, they just might.
The reason was not available at the time of this review, but we'd guess it was for sexually related material, language and crude humor.
  • ROB SCHNEIDER plays a small-time loser who must take to male prostitution to pay for repairs he accidentally causes to another gigolo's home. Although he visits many women, he only sleeps and subsequently falls for one.
  • ARIJA BAREIKIS plays that woman who's nervous about Deuce learning of her secret (she has a fake leg).
  • WILLIAM FORSYTHE plays a detective who hounds Deuce while trying to bust him and others. While doing so he cusses and has a thing about showing his genitals to Deuce (although more in a demonstration way than in a sexual/homosexual fashion).
  • EDDIE GRIFFIN plays a pimp who takes on Deuce as his latest "man-whore." He also cusses and has a thing about eating food that's fallen into a hot tub.
  • ODED FEHR plays a playboy gigolo who services many women and then threatens to do Deuce bodily harm when he returns from overseas business.

    Click on a category for specific details or scroll through the page for a broader overview.

    Disrespectful/Bad Attitude | Sex/Nudity

    Blood/Gore | Profanity | Violence

    Alcohol/Drugs | Guns/Weapons | Imitative Behavior | Topics To Talk About | Music (Scary/Tense) | Tense Family Scenes | Frightening/Tense Scenes | Smoking | Music (Inappropriate) | Jump Scenes |

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  • We see some wine in Antoine's place.
  • Deuce tries to put out a fire with some champagne.
  • People have drinks in a bar where Deuce orders a martini, but then spits out his first sip upon hearing the price for it.
  • People have wine with lunch.
  • Deuce has a beer at a baseball game.
  • Deuce and his "date" have wine with dinner.
  • We see champagne at a woman's house that Deuce visits.
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  • Although little if any of the film is actually bloody or gory, a great deal of scatological material is present (and listed below) that some/many viewers may find gross.
  • We hear Antoine urinating.
  • We see a long needle being inserted into a person's forehead (no blood) and then hear a chiseling sound as hair is harvested from a donor.
  • We see the ground up remains of a large fish that accidentally got chopped up in a mixer and a man later takes a drink of this thinking it's something else.
  • Scatological material includes the following:
  • T.J. tells Deuce that when he dropped a cigar ash on Antoine's carpet in the past, the gigolo "made me pick it up with my anus."
  • We see Deuce's bare butt as it's waxed free of hair during a makeover. T.J. then indicates for the woman to wax Deuce's scrotum and/or genitals (by making a swinging genital gesture with his finger) and she does so (but we only see Deuce's shocked reaction to the hair being pulled off).
  • As Deuce talks with his dad in a men's room (where his dad works as an attendant), we hear a person repeatedly fart and then hear diarrhea-like sounds. After the person responsible for those sounds leaves, Deuce's dad looks into the stall and states that it looks like he's got some work to do (in cleaning up the unseen mess).
  • Kate makes a comment about something else stating, "I'd rather take it up the butt."
  • Right after plunging a public restroom toilet and without washing his hands, Deuce's father accepts a small birthday desert from Kate and eats it with his bare hands, even going so far as to lick off his fingers.
  • As Deuce plunges a toilet (once again and presumably to retrieve a pet fish), a piece of human excrement flies up and lands in a fish bowl).
  • Jabba Lady loudly belches.
  • Deuce drools quite a bit after getting some shots that numbed his entire face.
  • We see Antoine's bare butt as he's about to be strip searched and later we see him walking funny after this has happened.Although little if any of the film is actually bloody or gory, a great deal of scatological material is present (and listed below).
  • We hear Antoine urinating.
  • We see a long needle being inserted into a person's forehead (no blood) and then hear a chiseling sound as hair is harvested from a donor.
  • We see the ground up remains of a large fish that accidentally got chopped up in a mixer and a man later takes a drink of this thinking it's something else.
  • Scatological material includes the following:
  • T.J. tells Deuce that when he dropped a cigar ash on Antoine's carpet in the past, the gigolo "made me pick it up with my anus."
  • We see Deuce's bare butt as it's waxed free of hair during a makeover. T.J. then indicates for the woman to wax Deuce's scrotum and/or genitals (by making a swinging genital gesture with his finger) and she does so (but we only see Deuce's shocked reaction to the hair being pulled off).
  • As Deuce talks with his dad in a men's room (where his dad works as an attendant), we hear a person repeatedly fart and then hear diarrhea-like sounds. After the person responsible for those sounds leaves, Deuce's dad looks into the stall and states that it looks like he's got some work to do (in cleaning up the unseen mess).
  • Kate makes a comment about something else stating, "I'd rather take it up the butt."
  • Right after plunging a public restroom toilet and without washing his hands, Deuce's father accepts a small birthday desert from Kate and eats it with his bare hands, even going so far as to lick off his fingers.
  • As Deuce plunges a toilet (once again and presumably to retrieve a pet fish), a piece of human excrement flies up and lands in a fish bowl).
  • Jabba Lady loudly belches.
  • Deuce drools quite a bit after getting some shots that numbed his entire face.
  • We see Antoine's bare butt as he's about to be strip searched and later we see him walking funny after this has happened.
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  • Antoine is a gigolo, Deuce acts like one to raise money, and T.J. is a pimp.
  • Although not meant to be taken seriously, the film makes fun of fat women, tall women, blind people, and those missing limbs or suffering from narcolepsy.
  • Kate's friends set her up on a blind date with a gigolo thinking that she couldn't otherwise get a date (due to her missing her leg).
  • A married woman hires Deuce for his sexual services.
  • Antoine threatens Deuce despite the latter taking care of the former's place (although the latter did wreck it and then try to cover up/repair the damage without telling the former).
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  • Although it's played entirely for laughs, some comically suspenseful music plays as Deuce seems something large swimming around beneath him in some murky pond water.
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  • Medieval battle weapons (Battle ax, knives, crossbow): Seen on Antoine's wall and later used by him to attack Deuce
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  • Phrases: "Sh*thole," "Laid," "Get busy," "Man-gina" "Stiffy" and "Hand job" (all sexual), "Sucks," "Ass punched," "Whore," "Man whore," "He-bitch," "Bitch," "Freak," "Shove it up your ass," "Jeez," "Piss," "I'd rather take it up the butt" and "Punk."
  • Deuce tries to make a grilled cheese sandwich by putting the entire "raw" sandwich into a toaster (which then catches on fire and is played for laughs).
  • Unseen people make fun of a very tall woman (calling her a "freak," etc...), and other jokes come at the expense of the obese, the blind and others.
  • Ruth, who has Tourette's syndrome, lets out a stream of words and phrases including (but not limited to) some of the above as well as: "Nipple biter," "Anus," "Vulva," "Dildo" and "D*cklick."
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  • None.
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  • A bit of comically suspenseful music plays during the film.
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  • A song includes the lyrics, "Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight..."
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  • Due to some rapid fire and occasionally unintelligible dialogue, the following should be considered a minimum.
  • At least 8 "s" words, 8 slang terms for male genitals ("d*ck"), 1 slang term for sex ("laid"), 3 slang terms for breasts (variations of "t*t" and "boobies"), 8 asses (2 used with "hole"), 6 hells, 1 damn, 1 crap, 1 S.O.B., and 3 uses each of "G-damn," "Oh God" and "Oh my God" and 1 use of "God" as exclamations.
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  • We see Deuce's bare butt as he cleans a city aquarium completely nude. After he's thrown out onto the street, we see him holding clothes that just barely cover his crotch, but nothing else and again see his bare butt that he tries to cover with a net.
  • Deuce has a buxom young woman (who's wearing a tight top) lean over a large aquarium to retrieve items from the bottom of it. He does so to cause her breasts to dip into the water (which we see from inside the aquarium and then when she stands up again giving her the wet T-shirt look). As he leaves, he then accidentally tells her, "Have a good nipple."
  • As Deuce takes a plunger to a toilet in an attempt to retrieve a small pet fish from it, he and we hear sounds of a bed rhythmically thumping along with a woman's moaning next door (the result of Antoine having sex with her). As the pace of those sounds increases, Deuce increases his thrusting of the plunger until the sounds of the next door couple's climaxing corresponds with a burst of water (and the fish) from the toilet Deuce was pumping.
  • Antoine tells Deuce that women find it erotic when one fish eats a smaller one in his aquarium.
  • Once Deuce discovers that Antoine is a professional gigolo, he asks, "You just drive them back here and have sex with them?" Antoine replies only if he they pay him enough, and then states that women pay him to give them pleasure.
  • We see a shapely woman come out of Antoine's bedroom who shows a lot of cleavage.
  • Antoine holds what looks like a dildo, but turns out to be his toothbrush holder.
  • We see Antoine in his boxers.
  • Deuce finds a used condom on Antoine's bed.
  • As Deuce tries to hit on the woman in the pet store, an older woman tells him, "Try to get laid on your own time."
  • Deuce activates Antoine's entertainment center and then sees a porno tape playing on the big screen. As a girl scout then comes to the front door, Deuce finds that he can't shut off the tape (that includes a closeup shot of a man having sex on top of a woman -- we see movement, but only from their heads), as well as a pleasured expression on the woman's face, a partial glimpse of a bare butt, and whipping/spanking sounds.
  • We see Deuce in his briefs.
  • An aquarium salesman drops all sorts of innuendo at Deuce while talking about business such as "You might not want to blow your whole wad," "I'm not trying to flip you over and do you dry," "a big stiffy," a "custom hand job," and "I came all over the place."
  • Deuce answers one of Antoine's gigolo-related calls and reluctantly shows up (after the client convinces him by stating that she's naked) at a middle-aged woman's home. She's wearing a revealing teddy and garters, while he shows up dressed like a Swiss tourist wearing a hat, camera, suspenders and tight briefs (that show a bulge). She gets excited by this fantasy and he whips out a roll of condoms. She then pulls him down on top of her on the bed and wraps her legs around his back, but nothing else happens as her dog starts to tear through the bedroom door and he runs out.
  • Deuce picks up a woman in a bar (who shows cleavage) and they go back to Antoine's place where each learns that the other is a prostitute/gigolo.
  • T.J. likens Deuce to a fish at the bottom of an aquarium that's trying "to get busy" with a toy scuba diver.
  • We see Deuce's bare butt as it's waxed free of hair during a makeover. T.J. then indicates for the woman to wax Deuce's scrotum and/or genitals (by making a swinging genital gesture with his finger) and she does so (but we only see Deuce's shocked reaction to the hair being pulled off).
  • When Deuce meets the large and rather manly "Jabba Lady," the "woman" says, "I know what you're thinking -- those are the biggest boobies you've ever seen" and "I like sex. I'm not afraid to admit it."
  • Deuce's father states that he met Deuce's mother at a strip club and comments about her picking up dollar bills off the stage. Later, he states that his wife had "an amazing mouth" and that it paid for their honeymoon (suggesting what she did with it to make money).
  • A very tall woman carries Deuce to her bed and rips off his clothes down to his boxers. We then hear sexual sounds and see the woman scrunching up the sheets with her hand, but then see that he's only rubbing oil on her large feet that has her in ecstasy.
  • While questioning Deuce about his activities, Det. Fowler unzips his fly and apparently pulls out his genitals (we don't see it, but Deuce does) and asks "What do think about this?" and "Do you think I could get paid for this?"
  • We drop in on the middle of a conversation between Kate and Deuce about being an astronaut (but we don't know that). She makes comments (that initially sound sexual) about it not being pleasurable for women and how she doesn't know how men "go up there."
  • Confronting Deuce again, Fowler once more apparently pulls out his genitals to show Deuce (we don't see anything) and they talk about there possibly being a rash down there.
  • A woman passes by wearing a skimpy bikini.
  • Kate and Deuce start to undress each other and we see her in her bra (with cleavage). He's then on top of her on a bed and kisses down her chest and then kisses her leg (right before it comes off -- it's a prosthesis). Later, we see the two of them in bed (but without activity or nudity).
  • Deuce goes to his next job and the woman there shows cleavage and takes off most of his clothes. He then comments "You don't want to have sex," to which she replies, "Yes I do. I think we both do" as she looks down and sees clothing hanging off his erection (we only see the hanging clothes). After Deuce tells her about Kate and this woman gets another look at Deuce's privates, she states, "She's a lucky girl, at least emotionally" (referring to his size).
  • Deuce then does a male exotic dancer routine for this woman in his tightfitting briefs. As such, he swings around a lamp stand, humps a table, and then stands above her face on a couch. She then grabs his underwear and stretches it down before letting it go, causing it to snap him in the groin. Later, we see Deuce and this woman's husband doing a dance for her in their tightfitting briefs.
  • Detective Fowler states that his wife cheats on him because of the size of his "d*ck." Deuce then says that size doesn't matter, but Fowler says that the problem is the thinness of his genitals (and says that he knows that it's width that gives women satisfaction).
  • We see Antoine's bare butt as he's about to be strip searched.
  • The pet store employee has her clothed breasts back down into the aquarium water again.
  • Kate's blind roommate comes out of a closet with T.J. with both of them getting dressed after doing something sexual that miraculously restored her vision. She then comments about him being black, but then says that she already knew that (by the stereotypically large size of his genitals that we don't see).
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  • T.J. has a cigar.
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  • We learn that Deuce's mother is dead, but little is made of this.
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  • Making fun of people who are "different" and/or use them as comic fodder.
  • Prostitution, whether it involves women or men.
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  • There's a pratfall of an older woman falling on a bus after slipping on water that dripped off Deuce.
  • We briefly see a cop hitting a suspect with a baton/night stick as Deuce walks by.
  • Trying to free himself hanging upside down from some foot straps, Deuce accidentally pulls over Antoine's large and expensive aquarium, sending it crashing and shattering onto the floor. He also accidentally starts a small fire in the toaster then scorches a counter and cabinet.
  • After Deuce refuses to pay for a drink, a bartender threatens him by stating that he'll take a swizzle stick and "shove it up your pee hole."
  • A female hooker punches Deuce in the gut. In turn, he punches her in the butt and she then kicks him in the crotch and knees him in the face. She then kicks him across the room and then repeatedly kicks him in the face before he grabs her bra strap and, stretching it far away from her body, lets it go, smacking her back.
  • Kate accidentally closes a door onto Deuce's head.
  • Kate's blind roommate accidentally breaks the glass front of a cabinet as she puts away dishes.
  • Kate slaps Deuce and he accidentally knocks over a hotel bellhop.
  • Detective Fowler knocks someone over while approaching Deuce whom he picks up and then pins to a table.
  • A large fish is accidentally ground up in a mixer.
  • Antoine comes after Deuce with a medieval battle ax and Deuce defends himself with Kate's prosthetic leg. The gigolo then throws several knives at him and fires a crossbow at him, but Jabba Lady stands in the way and takes the arrow in a full roasted chicken that fell into "her" ample cleavage.
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