Convert To Christ before Jan 1, 2000, and receive free PCS Digital Phone, compliments of AT&T and the Landover Baptist Church.

Landover Baptist Church offers the finest rewards to its members, and now we are making those rewards available to the unsaved public. In the first of many offers, we are proud to present new Christians with the finest communications technology available on the market today! A free AT&T PCS phone is waiting for you! All you need to do is accept Jesus Christ as your own personal Lord and Savior before the year 2000! *No roaming charges! **Nothing to Pay! Sound simple? It is!

Since we do not allow unsaved persons within a 15 mile radius of our church, or any of our Christian Properties, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for YOU, the unsaved individual, to get saved, get a beautiful love gift, and gain access to our church and facilities. You have nothing to lose, except your soul. You have everything to gain; eternal life, a chance to become a member of the most powerful church in the United States, and a free wireless telephone, courtesy of AT & T!

What are you waiting for? Read through our beliefs section, and sign a waiver form that shows you have accepted our Lord as your personal savior, promise to abide by all of our church rules, and pledge a 3-year tithing contract. Mail these forms along with a $225 membership application fee to:

Salvation Phone Offer: Landover Baptist Church, Christian Business Office, 100 Soulwinner's Lane, Freehold, Iowa 45598. *applies only to roaming in the Egyptian Desert **with the signing of a 3-year tithing contract, Bronze Level pledge minimum, all tithes must be received before activation along with preliminary membership fee of $25,000.

Occasionally, Beliefnet will update our readers on the goings-on around Landover Baptist, the fictional fundamentalist church whose name is becoming synonymous with self-righteousness everywhere.

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