
Bdavewalters2 – Meet one man that considers himself a mix between Joel Osteen and the Old Spice commercial guy. Working as a life coach, writer, and radio personality has helped Bdavewalters2 become a man that wants to serve others. Discover his deeper look at Psalm 35 and read what he thinks about the Right Time to Get Married.
Read his blog here>>

Daphne – This avid writer spends most days reading, cooking, and writing her exciting blog titled A Full Degree Below Normal. Check out what this mother has to say about Back to (Old) School Shopping and be sure to read about meeting a woman that she calls Superwoman.
Read her blog here>>

Jolubarsky – What does it mean to this writer to be a non-traditional wife and mother? She is thankful for what she has, but she also knows that taking time to rest is important. Read her thoughts on how you could Revitalize Your Relationship or discover mental health warning signs in Could I Be Bi-Polar?
Read her blog here>>

michelemorgan – This passionate writer and mother considers her own destiny to be helping others find theirs. Read what she says in her Message to Her Daughter and see what you think of her post on Finding Treasure.
Read her blog here>>

Yogashanan – Discover how this woman combines the meaning of a lyengar-trained yoga instructor and a streak of a Buddhist warrior. Check out what she means by Let’s Face It or learn more about her ideas on stress and thankfulness in Grappling with Gratitude.
Read her blog here>>

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