Holiday Giving contest info here

It's easy to raise money Whichever Beliefnet member raises the most money for his or her charity of choice during the month of December will win! Create your own personal donation badge to raise money for your favorite charity, group, or cause. Get started with our Donation Badge instructions, then enter your code here once you've created your badge with our partner, Network for Good. Read more about how to create a donation badge here.

Need inspiration? Check out these members' donaton badges:

  • Gramma Wenni
    Raising money for the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Minnesota
  • Dustin
    Raising money for Project HOPE

  • mainecaptain
    Raising money for the Waldo County Humane Society

  • Jd70
    Raising money for the American Cancer Society

  • GodIsLove
    Raising money for the National Federation of the Blind of Nebraska

  • Pam34
    Raising money for the Nature Conservancy

  • InfamousTPM
    Raising money for ICNA Relief USA Programs

  • Steven Waldman
    Raising money for the Brooklyn Heights Synagogue

    Log in now to post your donation badge!
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