Men and women often explore and express their spirituality in ways unique to their gender. What is the difference between men's and women's spirituality? Beliefnet members offer their ideas.

Men's Spirituality
I feel that we are too pressured and squeezed into too many little boxes of social and personal expectations for our own good. Society expects us to be workers and money-makers.. Spirituality is our way of reconnecting to the real.

So what speaks to me, or guys I know, spiritually that is missing from dominant religion and correlated with masculine ideals? "Wildness" starts off my list. Not domination, or abusive crap, but just being purposely free and loud and wild and joining with the world in that way. Also, strong emotions, including anger. --obermark

Learning from the violence of a man like Hitler, and the consequences of abuse and abandonment, I would say the first thing to do is for a man to calm himself. Someone referred to adrenaline. Adrenaline is only a little part of what made a man of Gandhi. --bigshrub

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Women's Spirituality
The mythos of the huntress, the goddesses of fire, home, hearth, the elements and the animals kind of settle into my psyche with a little click in a way that masculine aspects never have. I am not much of a theist, but the feminine side of spirituality and mystery is the side to which I am most drawn.


Women's spirituality is the deep instinctual memory of our connection to the earth, an expression of our longing to be mothered, a celebration of the feminine face of God.

Compassion, Love, Beauty, Creativity, Death-Rebirth (letting go of what must go), Power, Protectiveness, Boldness, Receptivity, Surrender(of the ego), Honor, Faith, Healing, Nurturing, Majic, Mystery, Sisterhood This is some of what I am learning about on my path of maturing into womanhood.

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